A year in review...Mallory style ; )

Dec 25, 2005 19:47

Yeah, I bet you bitches thought I abandoned this thing.  Well, for the most part I have, but that's because I no longer feel like telling the world my problems.  Psh, who am I kidding?  I love talking.  It's mostly because I now have a myspace that's so much more interesting.  As 2005 is coming to a close I felt the need to take a look back, and what better place to do that than on my livejournal?

Ok, lets start at the beginning.  This time last year I thought I was the shit because I could now do LJ picture posts

Yeah, Christmas 2004

Two of my best friends were dating

Oh yeah, and I only weighed 105 pounds.

New Year's 2005!!!!

Then I turned 16 and thought I was the shit. Note my 2 hands on the steering wheel...as if that happens now.

JUMP ahead to March....

Brandon and I broke up for, well, obvious reasons for those of you who know our story.  It was cool thought because my life was filled with musical junk.

Oh yeah...and Grayson...quite obviously that was short lived.

A highlight of my march (other than the musical) was going to Franklin Street with my dad to watch the heels win.

Then there was track which I loved because it was yet another way that I could hang out with my runner amigos and do this thing I love called running...sorta.

...and I basically love her...

Coach Wadas has by far been the most influential role model in my life outside of my family.  I really wish that everyone could meet him because he is by far one of the most amazing humans I have ever met.  If he leaves next year I'm not sure what I'll do...

While a lot of things have changed, a few haven't.  These girls are still my favorite bitches...ever. (Apparently we went bowling sometime in April?)

Then came summer.  That's when I feel like everything changed for me.  As most of my friends know, at the beginning of my summer I entered what would end up being the most devistating and volitile relationship that I could have ever imagined.  I found myself with someone that I never would have pictured myself with only because at the time, I thought that he was amazing.  Naturally, after over a month of thinking that I was in "love" things changed, I met someone else, and I broke up with him.  I guess that's when you could say the shit hit the fan.  He went from nice boyfriend to someone who was only using me.  The guy I dumped him for was (seemingly) amazing himself.  He was everything that I ever wanted in a guy until Trey stepped in, ruined it, and Derrick showed his true character.  I should have listened to Mitchell back in June and just dumped Trey.  I only wish I knew then what I know now.  The best was to get over a problem?  Hang with your girls...

Then there was that whole mono thing.  Yeah, that sucked balls.  Once I was over it, it was a B Ho summer from then on out.  Me and my bizznatch hung out and basically lived together for almost a month.  Honestly, without her, there's no way that I could have survived the most bittersweet summer of my life.

Oh yeah, and I visited this amazing place called Denver...

So, by the end of summer I had gotten mono, gone through 2 nasty break ups, and lost an amazing friend, Chris Morgan.  Thankfully (sounds odd right?), school was starting and there was some hope that lied in my cross country season.

Yeah, so then we decided that we were going to rock and won regionals.  BEAT THAT!

Then in August it was my bitches birthday :)  CAAAARRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYY night!

At the end of August, my parents tried to separate me and my bitch, but that proved to be very pointless.  Somewhere along the lines my hair got long...

Basically my pictures stop there, but my year didn't.  September, October, and part November were all pretty boring and filled with lots of work.  Then I FINALLY met a guy who's not a jerk, but in fact wonderful.  If you would have told me a year ago this...

... is who I would be dating, I would have laughed, but it's working out really really well.

I couldn't have an end of the year summation without mentioning Jon.  He is by far the most best brother I could ever ask for.  He's there for me through thick and thin and when I think about how in about 6 months he's going to be in the marines I can hardly stand it.  Jon, you know I love you and no matter where you are this time next year, I'm sure you'll still be in my end of the year summation :)

Well, that's basically been my year.  I hope everyone's was a good as mine.  Peace out 2005.

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