Dec 05, 2003 01:12
Today I went to old Stoolwater today. Get it??? For those of you who aren't down with the Okie slang, thats Stillwater. But it pretty much belongs in a toilet. I also went to the cheapest alumnimum-siding-barn like casino and lost $5.
I went to OSU with my dear cousin Kim to take notes for her and sit with her in class because the gal that usually does it has the flu. That was excessive information. Anyhow, sometimes I forget how amazing my dear cousin Kim is. She really doesn't have to go to school if she didn't want to. To see her struggle to breathe while still soaking in Trigonometry is quite humbling.
I really like crossword puzzles. I wish I had that sweater here for doing crossword I bought at the thrift store. I think that may be the most righteous sweater I have ever bought. It has f'ing pencils for buttons. One time I caught the sleeve on fire while boiling noodles for mac n' cheese. Good thing it didn't burn. Then I would have to talk about a crossword puzzle sweater that wouldn't exist and no one would believe me that it existed because of its supreme awesomeness. K well bye.
Oh yeah. Antonio Perkins drives a ford focus w/ rims. Thats kinda funny.