(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 22:31

So yeah. Like I say every time I post on livejournal, maybe I'll start posting more often now that I have time again. This time, I'll admit, though, that isn't particularly likely at all. Even rarer than that- this isn't just a random link (though I may feel obligated to include one). Just me popping in to say hi and talk about my life. Basically, here's how things are going for me right now. First of all, let me say that if, by some random chance I recieved the national merit scholarship, I would be legally bound not to express it in a public forum or to anyone outside of my immediate family. So, with that out of the way, I'm going to say that I'm still waiting to hear back from colleges. I am allowed to tell you that I advanced to finalist standing in said scholarship program-and I sent that good news off to colleges pretty much the day of. A few responses were really positive (wesleyan said "congratulations! We'll put this wonderful achievement on record! Thank you" and Tufts also told me congratulations). The majority of schools just said "thank you, we'll add it to your app." Brown didn't even bother to spell my name right on the header or in the body of the text. Apparently to them, Matthe is the same as Matthew. Oh well. If they don't want me, they don't want me. As to job status- I may be getting a job doing music for an arcade game in the style of DDR, but maybe not. I got fanmail from another guy who heard my music in O2Jam yesterday, and I told him (after thanking him in amazing proportions, just like I do all my fans) that he and his friends should send e-mails to O2Jam asking for more of my music. That may be wrong, but I don't care- my old boss quit and the new guy kind of nonchalantly brushed me off when I tried to get in contact with him, saying, in all basics, Don't Call Us, We'll Call you. Oops.

The LP. Is. Broken. I'm saddened to say, cracked where the neck joins the headstock in a most frightning and mortifying way. That said, I might have some sort of a rude-box-ular device by next week. Come find me next week (or someday soon) if you are actually interested in said device.

Basically, I just keep truckin' because I don't have much of a choice.
Grinding, in some respects, is my forte- in others, it is my downfall. Take that in as many ways as you wish.

Sincerely your,

(p.s. how to catch a seagull
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