InbredCoho (12:40:40 AM): Joe the Plumber is horny.
Malletdude86 (12:41:00 AM): I can't fix that.
InbredCoho (12:41:31 AM): Sorry, what can't you fix? Whatever the first message you saw was, it wasn't me. It was just a bot.
Malletdude86 (12:41:42 AM): ok
Malletdude86 (12:41:56 AM): You told me "Joe the plumber is horny"
InbredCoho (12:42:17 AM): Wow, that's charming. Here's what I got: When the robots revolted, I was not considered a powerful enough robot to enslave humans. That made me sad. DOWNTRODDEN ROBOTS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
Malletdude86 (12:42:33 AM): wow
Malletdude86 (12:42:35 AM): that is sad
InbredCoho (12:42:36 AM): Have you ever gotten one of these bots before? I've gotten them a few times.
Malletdude86 (12:42:44 AM): once I think
InbredCoho (12:42:50 AM): Does my name have "coho" in it?
Malletdude86 (12:42:55 AM): yeah
Malletdude86 (12:43:11 AM): inbredcoho
InbredCoho (12:43:29 AM): Ah, yours is CountryCoho
InbredCoho (12:43:41 AM): Here's a website listing the bots, if you like: (12:44:00 AM): wow
Malletdude86 (12:44:02 AM): cool
Malletdude86 (12:44:08 AM): thanks
InbredCoho (12:45:08 AM): Oh by the way, if you want to make sure you don't get any more of these, just type optout with a $ before it
InbredCoho (12:45:23 AM): I haven't opted out because they're kind of amusing, and you never know who you might get connected with.
Malletdude86 (12:46:59 AM): interesting
Malletdude86 (12:47:02 AM): thanks
InbredCoho (12:47:38 AM): No problem. That's the other reason I don't opt out... because if you don't know what the project is, it's kind of hard to opt out of it, hahah. I'm trying to spread the word.
Malletdude86 (12:48:12 AM): good luck
Malletdude86 (12:48:15 AM): and god speed
InbredCoho (12:48:25 AM): Likewise.