Title: You Think You Know (But You Haven’t Got a Clue)
mallardeer Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, a hint of Mike/Tina
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nothing in particular, but just in case, let’s say all the way through “Journey.”
Summary: Mr. Schue wants the kids to sing The Beatles. No one really objects. Nearly everyone gets into it. Especially Santana.
Author’s Notes: This is not at all like the things I usually write. Not at all. For one thing, there are other characters in here besides Brittany and Santana. And I think it might be a little weak on plot, and I had trouble writing around the songs, but I think it would really be fun if all the kids sang The Beatles.
Playlist Part One: Some kind of innocencePart Two: Some kind of solitudePart Three: Some kind of happiness