[DNA] The Green Bug

Jun 23, 2010 21:09

Pairing: InMin
Disclaimer: O_o
Rating: PG-13
Comments: XDD Reminds me of me. First POV is Injoon, then 3rd, then Injoon again.
Summary: Injoon's jealous and maybe takes it a bit too far.


I feel so jealous when he's around someone else. When he looks at someone else, my heart just shatters. When someone whispers into his ear, I feel like he's hiding something from me and that scares me the most. I've never felt so jealous before in my life, that this stupid green bug has caught me in its claws and won't let me go. I really start to freak out when someone wraps arms around him, and the only thing on my mind is ripping out said person's hair to get them away.

He looked at me one day after practice and it immediately sent chills up my spine because it was one of those disappointed looks. What, did I do something wrong? Did I mess up the choreography? I honestly didn't know.. I looked up to him and tried to smile before asking the first thing that came to mind, "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh no." He shook his head but it didn't give me that satisfaction of being reassured, that's for sure. I eyed him a bit before sighing again, "Really, is something wrong?"

"Why do you think something's wrong? Do you think anything's the matter?" He retorted. It was obvious in the tone of his voice that something was wrong, but it was oddening to me because normally it was me...

He shook his head before stepping out of the room. I was left there dumb founded before Jay came up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He was so bubbly; oh the bubbly magnae. "What's up Jay?"

"I think the Husky is mad at you." He pouted. I could see from the corner of my eye the largeness of his pout and it was almost excruciating, "I think you should talk to him."

"Do you know why he's mad? I should be mad at him..." I glared my eyes a bit before I felt Jay nudge me. "What?"

"Why would you be mad at him?" The magnae asked in a soft tone. I shrugged my shoulders to get him off, "You know me... I get jealous easy." I turned to look at my best friend. "Jay-ah, do you think I'm a bad person?"

The magnae laughed and shook his head, "Why would I think that?" How he asked the question got me to shake my head, "It's no big deal. But thanks." I got my answer from that.

"Injoon, don't worry okay? He's just...I'm not even sure. He didn't really -tell- me, I more heard it from Garam-hyung." Jay shrugged his shoulders and rolled his head back, "He said something about you not coming to bed on time and you spending time with Mika more. But then there was something about you forgetting your anniversary?"

My eyes popped out of my head. Anniversary... wait... shit. "Ahh fuck. I did forget!" I then leaned to kiss his cheek, "Thanks man." And ran out.

Hyunmin stood outside up on the roof away from everyone. He was thinking about everything; Injoon, the group... everything going on lately. He sighed at the bad thoughts that kept forming in his head and it wasn't a good thing. He moved a bit to straighten as the wind seemed to blow through, "Ahnn... it's so nice."

"It is.." Injoon smiled softly as he walked up to the other male and wrapped his arms around the taller's waist from behind. "Hyunmin... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I forgot." He whispered.

The taller took in a deep breath and wrapped his long arms around his younger love's body, "I didn't think you'd catch on. I mean... I was really bummed. I had made dinner too. But you were out with Mika all night and it bothered me... I just..."

"How do you think I feel when Garam wraps his arms around you? When Jay sits on your lap and whispers things into your ear. I mean... I get so jealous Hyunmin... I get so mad at you. I feel like you're sneaking around and I'm the only one being loyal. I forgot our anniversary because Mika made me go with him to the doctor. He was scared to go during the day so he had to at night... he didn't want to tell anyone because he has to get surgery... he was afraid of what everyone would think..."

"Wait... Mika has to get surgery? For what?" Hyunmin stopped for a moment.

"He fractured a bone in his leg. We don't notice because he always puts on a brave front, you know..." Injoon frowned. "I found out because I noticed it when he was limping out from the bathroom one night... I was worried so I went with him to make sure he was okay. The x-ray pretty much proves that it's fractured so he has to get surgery soon.. I think it's next week."

Hyunmin took in a deep breath, "Jeez..." He completely forgot about how mad he was at his boyfriend and was more worried about their leader. It then clicked, "Wait, you were jealous?" A small laugh.

Injoon puffed out his cheeks, "You find that funny?"

"Kind of, yeah."

"I don't get how it's amusing to you but thanks for being concerned!" Injoon tried to get out of his hyung's hold but it was to no avail. It really didn't work and as he struggled more, Hyunmin ended up smiling. "Injoon, you shouldn't be jealous. You know the magnae's clingy with everyone when he wants to be and Garam... well, he's just Garam. We've been together for years now and you're getting jealous cause of that? Should I get jealous when you give Jay kisses to the cheek? Or when Jay wraps his arms around you? Hmmm?" He teased.

Injoon scrunched up his face. Damnit... He couldn't get out of that one. "I... I guess not...mianae..." He whispered with a small pout playing on his lips. Hyunmin leaned down to give the younger a kiss to the forehead, looked at him, then kissed his lips. "I love you, you know?"

"I love you too.... saranghaeyo~" Injoon smiled brightly.

I did love him and that was the problem sometimes. My love for him made me think crazy things and I guess I did feel jealous here and there and maybe I did take it a bit too far but then again.. I still felt there were some things he didn't tell me. Some things that were missed. I just didn't know what they were, and I guess a part of me never wanted to know. Because if they were big secrets that could hurt me, why would I want to know.

I can only smile when I look at him and feel faith in what I believe in this relationship. I have so much like for him that I guess... jealousy really does want to live in my veins. But really, who doesn't get jealous when they feel strongly for someone, right?

#fanfiction, pairing: hyunmin/injoon

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