Title: Admiring Boy
Chapter: 1/9
Genre: AU School fic, Drama, Fluff, A little cracky at times
Pairing: MiKaram, EveryonexJay (very onesided, poor jailbait)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Bullying, Possibly some strong language, Jay being ultimate middle school jailbait
Summary: When Hyunchul moves to a new school he goes from being teenage royalty to bully bait. After the mysterious Suhoon saves him time and time again, Hyunchul finds himself needing him in a different way. But can Suhoon really give himself in this manner, or is Hyunchul asking for too much?
Have you ever felt like you had stepped out of everything and right into the middle of nothing? )
Hi hi ( ・ω・) This is my first time posting here, and this is, in fact, my first BOSS fanfic. I'm fairly new to the fandom, so if you read this and think I've written one of the members horribly please let me know! I love them to pieces and want to do them justice even in fluffy fanfic form.
Also forgive my uncreative title (´・ω・`) Please enjoy~