Feb 04, 2008 08:03
I would have spoken before now, but alas have spent this last day in corvid form. It was a new thing to see with the eyes of a bird, the colours brighter and the world a larger place, but I could not use the network with beak alone, and thus have had converse with no-one.
To all I know and all I do not yet know: Be of good heart, and strong in the knowledge that all share your afflications, and together, we shall weather them.
To those with whom I am acquainted.
Man of Ice: I pray thy mind is swift recovered from its injury.
Phoenix: how goes thy work in the cthonian ways? Art thou in need of aid?
And Rose: the blight is gone from thee, but thy soul must still be injured, for the pain I felt in the air was deep-seated and sharp as flint. Do not fear, for I see that those who love thee will care for thee, and any harm done passes swiftly and is forgiven. If thou hast need of a friendly ear, thou knowest well where I can be found.