Oct 19, 2020 19:39
And one of little accomplishment. Marking time until the dishwasher repair guy comes on Thursday and - I devoutly hope - diagnoses and repairs the machine in question. Not knowing exactly how much it's going to cost isn't making me any happier, either; I've got a ballpark idea, based on previous dishwasher repair bills, but that's not enough to keep me serene when we're getting down to the thin end of the month.
The countdown to the election isn't keeping me serene, either. All of the news is either Trump, or COVID, or Trump&COVID, and all of the feature reporting seems to be articles of the "and here is yet another thing you need to feel guilty about doing, or liking, or simply being" variety. I suppose those are okay if you're into secular self-flagellation, which an amazing number of people seem to be but I'm not one of them.
And all of this leaves me feeling distinctly soggy and hard to light.