Jan 29, 2009 16:31
Thursday is just about over and today has been one of those days that has just lagged and lagged at work. There was not a whole lot I can do. I need to go to the store this evening and I think that I will need to actually dig out my car to do this. I was hoping for transportation from someone that already has already done this, but I don’t think that is going to happen, which is fine. I am not worried about it. I just am going to have to also put a little money out to get some fuel.
Today Adam had a big interview at Reed College in Portland. It was like a three hour one and the second interview. I figured when I heard about the length that he had a good chance for getting the position. I mean how many three hour interviews can a school do for a position? He thought it went well, so I am feeling confident that his unemployment in Portland is about to end. That will complete the move from Lafayette for him. It makes me very happy that he has just about succeeded in it.
I am once again straining to keep my truce with winter. I was reminded how nice having heat in the apartment during winter. A friend of mine, Mike lives down in the Louisville, Evansville area and they got a direct hit by the massive snow storm that hit across the midwest. That are not expected to get power restored until the weekend at the earliest and that is if the next part of the storm which is coming doesn't hit them too. That would so suck. At least at his house he has a generator to keep the fridge, television, and computer going and he has two fireplaces to keep the house at least somewhat warm. Still though it would suck. Especialy having to refill the generator every eight hours. So while I am not happy with this weather, I have to remember it could be worse. Hopefully they will restore Mike's power soon.
Last night was Lost and it was a great episode. I will not put any spoilers here, but they actually answered a couple of questions. They added a few more, but one big one was sort of answered. Sadly Andrew and Elissa skipped out on watching it do to working on their bathroom, so I did not have anyone to talk to about it and I so want to talk about it and throw ideas around. That is what I love about that show. It was funny because like the first forty minutes was not that riviting, it was the last fifteen minutes when they did a lot. Anyway it was a great episode in the end and that is all that I will say:)
Yesterday I got the last of the postcards that Richard had sent me on his trip to Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco. I have to say I have never gotten postcards before, but it was kind of nice. The only mail I normally get is the occasional pictures of my great nephews from Misty or bill collectors. Althuogh I have to say that his last postcard he is going to regret. He told me that the Steelers would lose the Super Bowl by six points. I am afraid that he is very, very wrong. The Steelers will win and they will win by fourteen. Why? Because they are an unstoppable juggernaut! They want it, since it has been so long since they won a Super Bowl. Besides they deserve it after their draught on Super Bowl victories!:)
I am still listening to the BBC at work. They have spent a great deal of time talking about the situation in Gaza and the new negotiator Mitchell that the US has sent to the region. They are optimistic that maybe something can be done. Honestly I don't think anything will ever be resolve. The only chance of a resolution in my book is that America would just have to come down to saying that Isreal has to return the land the seized in 1967 for peace, which was the whole idea when they seized the land. A Palastinian State should be formed and if settlers don't want to move, then let them know that they will be part of a Palastinian State. It is not like Isreal gives Arab and Palastinians a choice in Isreal to have their own settlements that are part of Palastine. Even that may not work, but I honestly think that is the only real option out of any.