
Oct 31, 2007 09:53

And once again my very favorite holiday comes to pass.
I've already done the costume party thing, went with a group costume with my girl and my friend as dignified members of the Greek pantheon: Zeus, Hades, and Persephone.
All I can really say about that is that Hades and Persephone ended up being a GREAT couples costume, pomegranites are delicious, and togas are fun... though not meant for DDR.

In recent events... I am now only able to access the internet from work, which means my MySpace is defunct for now...
My computer is out of comission. It looks like some cat and people hair, some of it potentially years old, got wrapped and tangled in my CPU fan and caused it to stop working... then my CPU overheated and fried. Likely, it took my motherboard with it... so that leaves me shopping.

I've checked around online for prices and I think I've decided on a setup... I figure that rather than replace my current processor and hope my motherboard is ok, I'll just upgrade the whole thing. But that leads to an expensive chain of events. To replace the CPU with the one I want, I'll need a new motherboard because the CPU I want is fitted for a different socket than the one I have. So with the new CPU (and new CPU heatsink and fan) I need a new motherboard (though that gives me a chance to get one with PCI-E expansion slots! yay more power!). Since I'm getting a new motherboard I might as well get a new video card to go with those brand new PCI-E slots, finally picking up a non pirated copy of windows (vista home deluxe prolly), and that all requires a new power supply to run the whole shebang... toss in an upgrade of the monitor (to an LCD flat panel) and new speakers (Dolby 7.1 or 5.1 capable) and you've got a lot of dough... or do you?

Thanks to my good friend Doty, I've been shopping on NEWEGG dot COM... it's awesome. I priced everything at Fry's Electronics at $1300, at Ultimate Electronics at $1350 and at Best Buy at just under $1500 for the same set of components... New Egg? $850 with free shipping on all but two of the items.
Fucking. Rock.
So it looks like I'm going there... once I have the cash (which is not too far off) and I'm going for and AMD 3.4ghz dual core processor, top of the line CPU heat sink, ATX motherboard with 2 PCI_E slots/crossfire enabled/supports 8gb of DDR2 ram, and I'm debating between the GeForce 8000 series or the Radeon 7600 series video cards...

I'm excited... I'll get to completely rebuild my PC and get to know how it works and gets put together and such...

Other than that, the show is progressing... I'm pretty sure the crew will have their parts and be ready... the choreography is almost perfect and they're learning not to turn their backs to the audience... a little polishing on dialogue and the songs and this should be a nice show. We're doing our final dress rehearsal on Monday and the big show is at Southern Crusades next Saturday (the 10th). All I need to do is get a few people together to serve as a test audience for the Dress rehearsal and give us opinions... any volunteers?

I'll be sooooo very happy when it's over though... I've had so little time alone with my girl... and even less for my brother... and the least of all for myself. Once the show is done and over with, I'm taking a few weeks off from any SCA related activites except for rapier... I don't want to burn myself out... but it should be worth it...

Well, I suppose I should work now. I'll update again eventually, I always do.
Happy Halloween... get some candy.

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