because I'm BORED and no one's around...

Sep 20, 2005 21:00

LJ Interests meme results

  1. breakfasts at murray's:
    How I love Murray's. It's a tiny little Jewish deli near my apt., that I've been going to ever since I was a baby. The food is great, the menu is huge, and it has history. Plus, I just love going out for breakfast in general, so it's good times.
  2. curly hair:
    Yup, I have curly hair. It's been a defining feature of mine for pretty much my entire life, and it and I have finally come to an understanding, which took a while, since it has a personality of its own. We've had a love/hate relationship for a long time, but now I completely appreciate it.
  3. geology:
    Geology was my minor in college. It was originally my other major, but Petrology and Petrography kicked my ass so much that I had to drop out, and pretty much fell out of the game after that. Double majoring is wicked hard, esp with all of the lessons I had to take for music and activities I was doing. As it stands, now I work as a geologist. Crazy, huh?
  4. john irving:
    John Irving writes some fine, fine novels. If I had to name my top five authors, he'd definitely be in it. I've noticed some very universal themes running through his books, namely urination, adultery, squash, and wrestling, but hey, it's all good. It's hard for me to pick a favorite book of his, but I've read all other than the newest one and Setting Free The Bears.
  5. milk tea:
    Milk tea!!! I drank SO much of this when I was over in Asia. Basically, it's tea that's been heavily sweetened, with milk added to it, served cold. We found it in beverage machines all over the place, and nearly every time, I had some. Luckily for me, they sell it in Asian markets over here too, but it doesn't taste as good for some reason. Ah, memory.
  6. pedicures:
    If you haven't had a pedicure, you're missing out. Even if you're a man. They're not only great because they make your feet look pretty, but they also feel AWESOME, because they massage your feet and get all of the gross dead skin off of them. Speaking of pedicures, I really need to get one. MMM luxury. Plus, the place that I go to has massage chairs that you sit in while they futz with your feet. Totally worth the indulgence.
  7. rock geeks:
    Rock geeks - I think this may be one of my most unique interests. I like rocks, and I like talking about them. Thus, rock geek. Much like a music geek, only more obscure. Rocks are awesome, though. I also like rock MUSIC, but that would fall under the "music geek" category.
  8. swimming:
    Swimming is probably my favorite form of traditional exercise. I've always felt very at home in the water (maybe in part because I'm a water sign) and it's a shame that I haven't done as much swimming this summer as I normally do. Stupid gainful employment.

    Skinny dipping also RULES, even moreso than normal swimming.
  9. the filthy critic:
    I don't think the Filthy Critic is even around anymore. Basically, he was an online movie critic that used a lot of profanity in his reviews, and it was completely hilarious. My favorite Filthy Critic was in regards to Best in Show - "Best in Show follows five dogs and their owners as they enter the Mayflower Dog Show, one of those high-falutin' scams for people who spent a shitload of money on some purebred dog and want to show it off. People who buy show dogs make about as much sense to me as those fuckers who buy 1967 Pontiac GTOs and never drive them. Dogs are made for rough-housing, even little dogs. But little dogs should be rough-housed by midgets so they don't get hurt."

    Oh wait - just checked - here he is! :
  10. yarn:
    I haven't been into yarn as much lately as I was. (Come to think of it, I haven't changed my interests list in quite a while.) But I have a ton of it, and I love the different colors and textures. I'll just buy yarn randomly if it appeals to me, and then not crochet with it, because I'm lazy. But I do have some pretty yarn, which I should really start doing something with.

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