Mar 14, 2007 19:54
this week has been FILLED with them. I haven't had this long of a string of actually memorable dreams for as long as I can remember.
It all started on saturday night with the drummer from children of bodom playing at my house. I thought it was tight because he's my fav drummer so when he got done I asked him what he wanted to do. He said to me in a wierd finnish accent, "I want to play poker... by myself... with oranges instead of chips." he further confounded me by choosing to play in the compost bin.
Sunday night's dream was a bit less memorable but it took place at a building that was similar to the lodge of meadows. Everyone in my dream was a vampire except me. I felt very left out. somehow I proved that I too could be a vampire by doing bycicle kicks on bouncy super-balls. wierd.
Monday was a pretty cool one. there was more to it than I can remember, but I was at a beautiful tropical beach with a bunch of people whose company I enjoy. One person who was there who I haven't seen in a while was my little trumpet student, ben. I got worried because someone said "where is ben?" and I noticed that he was swimming WAY out into the sea. So I jumped in to go after him. But before I could rescue him he rescued himself - what an amazing swimmer! Ben always did amaze me. So I continued to bask in the mental sun-rays until I woke up in the hot sun in my bed.
4. ****
Then there was last night. Last night's dream was just messed up. I was hanging with a bunch of meadows employees or something but we were on tour; we had a hotel for the night and a bunch of busses. well, we were all winding down for the night and I decided to take a shower. As I was undressing I heard this co-worker (the most attractive female of all my co-workers) say that she wanted to take a shower with -me- in particular. Well, I thought that was awesome but I wasn't sure if she was joking or serious so I didn't say anything. I ended up getting in the shower alone and it turned into a bath somehow. Then, who walks into the bathroom but the aformentioned lady, her beautiful naked body glistening as she stepped into the tub and slid up right next to me. We relaxed for a bit and then I got kind of brave and put my arm around her, but for some wierd reason she didn't like that. anyway that part was kind of wierd but we both ended up walking around the busses together naked where everyone could see us, and unlike most naked dreams, I wasn't embarrassed, but rather kind of proud. some other stuff happened but I can't remember what else.
I've been reading up on dream meanings since Ive had so many dreams lately. the beach one sort of makes the most sense out of all of them. sand is supposed to represent time, and if you're relaxing on a sandy beach, it shows that you have plenty of free time to kick back in your waking life. Which is definitely true for me right now. And ben, well, I always respected that kid, he is really smart for his age and he'll handle himself really well.
Now, being naked is a powerful symbol, especially when you're naked in public and you're NOT embarrassed. I have read that it may mean that I have great self-confidence right now, but I don't feel like I have great confidence when I'm a awake. I think the fact that I saw the girl naked was just an expression of my sexual desire, which has not been fulfilled in a long-ass time. I dont know what the shower represents.
the vampire dream, as far as I can tell, may show that I miss meadows and feel left out that I'm not there anymore. this was represented by the fact that everyone was a vampire EXCEPT for me, although somehow I managed to convince I was a vampire to. meh. it's kind of true that I miss my cool job, although I won't miss them the commute.
oh and as for the oranges dream, that one just confuses me. but it's bad ass that I had a dream with the drummer from bodom. it was like listening to the cd in my sleep, he is so good.
**** I just remembered one more thing after I posted about this dream. in real life the girl has black hair, and in my dream, she had black hair. but when we got out of the shower and were walking around, it was blonde. I don't know what this means but I'm sure it's more important than I think.