Jun 09, 2004 04:42
here you go people i thought i would let you know that i'm gettin back into wicca. I being pulled that way and it seems right.
Maureen if you read this you'll get a kick out of it if you remember what i was tellin you before about the gods.
Description: Probably the most famous Egyptian goddess after Isis, Bast was said to be the daughter of Ra, though long after he created the primal gods. She was originally a sun goddess, but after contact with the Greeks, she changed to a moon goddess, probably due to the Greeks associating her with Artemis
Creepy huh?
July 14- july 28 Bastet... and the plot thickens
BAST Also BASTET. The cat-headed goddess, a local deity of the delta. The kindly goddess of joy, music and dancing. Cats were sacred to Bast as a symbol of animal passion. Bast's devotees celebrated their lady with processions of flower-laden barges and orgiastic ceremonies. Her festivals were licentious and quite popular.
Diana Roman/Greek goddess.... Under Greek influence she was equated with Artemis
hmmm this is creepy lol oh well i like doing the research and this is fun and enlightening. The godess i am pulled toward is the same as yours but the greek version/ egyptian version. lol i find this great.