May 10, 2004 22:16
So where do I start? Me and my Brother..... (Delete). Well I got into a fight last night. First one in like 4 years, Damn it felt good but fuck did it suck in the end. I fucked up my brother for disrespecting my mom. Well you might think that wasn't the smartest thing, but it really was. my Brother joined a Gang as well as having a warrant out for his arrest. I don't know what the hell to do. all I know is that my arms, back, and chest all hurt and are sore. My mom said he went to his boss at work and was cryin about hitting me. what should I do people.
During the Fight my brother said he didn't care about me and that he didn't give a shit what happend to me. but I told him I don't care how he feels about me I still care what happens to him.
P.s. working on a new poem.... keep trashing it but i think this one will be good.... keep waiting for it.