Jul 07, 2005 00:44
Session Start (insanejoker2001:WildNCrazy320): Wed Jul 06 23:49:17 2005
[23:49] WildNCrazy320: I think it's time we bury the hatchet
[23:49] Insanejoker2001: hmmm
[23:49] Insanejoker2001: who is this
[23:49] WildNCrazy320: ken pedersen
[23:50] Insanejoker2001: hmmm ok
Session Close (WildNCrazy320): Wed Jul 06 23:50:52 2005
Session Start (insanejoker2001:WildNCrazy320): Wed Jul 06 23:51:37 2005
[23:51] WildNCrazy320: ok
[23:52] Insanejoker2001: can i ask the reason for this if you wouldnt mind
[23:52] WildNCrazy320: i thought it might be time
[23:52] WildNCrazy320: i dont know 4+ years is a long time to not talk espicially since we were good friends
[23:53] clown: ok let me guess a second here...
[23:53] WildNCrazy320: ok
[23:53] clown: you talked to phil.... an mellisa... and they wanted us to talk things over because of our track record
[23:54] *** "WildNCrazy320" signed on at Wed Jul 06 23:54:47 2005.
[23:54] WildNCrazy320: i had mel over this weekend and we got to talkin so i asked for e-mail and or IM screen name
[23:55] WildNCrazy320: who the hell gets on of the first 5 questions wrong in this show...dumbass
[23:55] WildNCrazy320: plus
[23:56] WildNCrazy320: i dont know i really thought it was time i mean we were best friends and it was kind of silly to fight about a misunderstanding and not to talk for 4 years thts all
[23:57] Insanejoker2001: do you remember the misunderstanding?
[23:58] WildNCrazy320: yeah u thought i yelled and sore at your mom
[23:58] Insanejoker2001: wrong
[23:58] WildNCrazy320: i disagree
[23:58] Insanejoker2001: good we seem to find the old conversations coming back
[23:58] WildNCrazy320: ok what do u think it was
[00:00] Insanejoker2001: its not what i think it was its what it is.... my brother how he is now i blame that on you... the smoking the drinking the drugs the reason im told im the Bad One every day cause i dont buy milk
[00:00] Insanejoker2001: thats what this is about
[00:01] Insanejoker2001: just a little bit more than a misunderstanding huh
[00:03] WildNCrazy320: what the hell are u talking about
[00:03] WildNCrazy320: how could u blame ur borthers way of life on me
[00:04] WildNCrazy320: how could there even be a correlation between how ur borther acts and me
[00:04] WildNCrazy320: ive done nothing but support ur brother take him to school help him out with school work push him to do better and to succed in life
[00:04] WildNCrazy320: u want to blame someone for your brother u have to turn to palmer and zack
[00:05] Insanejoker2001: who introduced him?
[00:05] Insanejoker2001: not me
[00:05] WildNCrazy320: not me
[00:05] WildNCrazy320: we went to bakers
[00:05] WildNCrazy320: i didnt introduce john to justin nor did i ever encourage them to hang out
[00:06] WildNCrazy320: in fact it was rich maggie and i who tried to convince him not to hang out with their crew
[00:06] WildNCrazy320: thats why he got pissed at us and doesn't talk to us anymore
[00:06] WildNCrazy320: i never gave drugs to ur brother i never did drugs with ur brother and i certainly never supplied ur brother with a situation to do either
[00:10] Insanejoker2001: you convinced him good... you know since maggie hungout with palmer and them and then all of a sunden they never hung out
[00:10] Insanejoker2001: you know what no... obviously i never knew what was goign on....
[00:11] Insanejoker2001: done... end of story... its all my fault... lets move on
[00:11] WildNCrazy320: wait if ur absolutley convinced tha i am responsple fro ur brothers actions i need to defend not only because its totally wrong but because i have to clear my name
[00:11] WildNCrazy320: i mean u obviously have a way of thinking and i want to set the record straight
[00:13] Insanejoker2001: clear your name... you mean the name i haven't even seen in four plus years and you wanna clean it now... it means that much to that your name be in good standing with the world... or is it a personal thing
[00:13] WildNCrazy320: a personal thing
[00:14] Insanejoker2001: then your talking to me for the wrong reason
[00:14] WildNCrazy320: no i mean i wanna clear my name with u because im being accused of pretty heavy stuff here
[00:15] Insanejoker2001: when it becomes something that you want to do to reestablish a thing that WAS there then maybe but right now your doing it for the reasons that benifit you...
[00:17] WildNCrazy320: no this isnt an ego thing i dont need to make myself feel better i honestly thought that we should bury the hatchet thats all and clearly i was mistaken what we were fighting about. I dont know if things could be what were but obviously u think something that is not true
[00:17] WildNCrazy320: and i think u should have the facts all the facts before things go further
[00:18] Insanejoker2001: so you were un happy with the way things where so you had to dig them up again
[00:19] WildNCrazy320: yes i was unhappy we used to be good friend s and then we werent it has weighed in many times in my thinking and i wanted to change that
[00:20] Insanejoker2001: why what does it mean to you now that it didn't then? why do you care about me now?
[00:21] WildNCrazy320: i thought it was time
[00:22] WildNCrazy320: i wanted to settle it
[00:22] WildNCrazy320: i was at ur house picking up john to work on his GED tests
[00:22] WildNCrazy320: and ur mom shouted down that u wanted to talk to me but i couldnt stay at that time
[00:23] WildNCrazy320: but then school started and ive been really busy now im not, now im free so when mellissa came up last wekkend and we were talking i was remembering all the good times we had in church and out
[00:23] WildNCrazy320: and thought its time to end this
[00:24] Insanejoker2001: still havent answered why?
[00:24] WildNCrazy320: i thought that was an answer
[00:25] Insanejoker2001: because it was time is not why
[00:25] WildNCrazy320: i said when mel was up here we were talking and i remembered all the good times we had in church and out
[00:26] WildNCrazy320: mel and phil didnt twist my arm to IM u if thats what u wnt to know
[00:26] WildNCrazy320: i did so on my own accord because i wanted to end it and see if we could get back on track
[00:27] Insanejoker2001: what do you expect of me ken
[00:27] WildNCrazy320: i dont have any expectations of u
[00:28] Insanejoker2001: ok then talk clear this up
[00:28] WildNCrazy320: what do u want me to clear up, ill answer any questions u have
[00:29] Insanejoker2001: start from the begining i'll listen
[00:29] *** "WildNCrazy320" signed off at Thu Jul 07 00:29:31 2005.
[00:29] *** "WildNCrazy320" signed on at Thu Jul 07 00:29:33 2005.
[00:31] Insanejoker2001: if you didnt catch that i said start from the begining i'll listen
[00:32] WildNCrazy320: thats what im asking whats the begginning point u want me to start from
[00:32] Insanejoker2001: how bout bakers start there
[00:32] WildNCrazy320: ok
[00:33] WildNCrazy320: u know john rich and i always hung out at bakers
[00:33] WildNCrazy320: justin and zack statted working there
[00:33] WildNCrazy320: at this time john and i were still goin to willow and hanging out with stark and thorman
[00:33] WildNCrazy320: even when i went to COD we still hung out john even came to class with rich and I
[00:34] WildNCrazy320: u know i hvent smoked pot since i was 14 and thats before john and i started hanging out
[00:34] WildNCrazy320: 16 sorry
[00:34] WildNCrazy320: i thought justin nd zack were good kids i really did
[00:35] WildNCrazy320: then when rich and mike and i started goin to college
[00:35] WildNCrazy320: and john started working there
[00:35] WildNCrazy320: then he dropped out of high school and rich mike maggie and i got pissed
[00:35] WildNCrazy320: so we didnt talk to him
[00:36] WildNCrazy320: then he statted the job at the car washer when i went to northern because niether of us were there we all left and john started to hang out with palmer and zack and whatever that fucks name is
[00:36] WildNCrazy320: and thats when he started getting into trouble all over the place
[00:36] WildNCrazy320: rich and i and maggie tried to pull him out
[00:36] WildNCrazy320: but he started in with tim ryan and got worse
[00:37] WildNCrazy320: so we sat him down and said hes becoming a loser and we care about him
[00:37] WildNCrazy320: so then john said he wanted to get his GED i even tried to help him with that
[00:37] WildNCrazy320: but he started in with amanda and things got all fucked up
[00:37] WildNCrazy320: so i tried inviting him up to rich and ours apartment
[00:38] WildNCrazy320: and then he turned is abck on us and we havnt spoken since for longer then 30 seconds
[00:38] WildNCrazy320: listen im sorry john went down the wrong path ive tried to help him over and over and over again ive saraficed for him and tried to work with ur mom to get him on the right track
[00:39] WildNCrazy320: but hes not responsive to me anymore and i still care about the kid and i dont know how to help him anymore
[00:39] WildNCrazy320: but i at NO time ever gave him drugs, ever encouraged him to drink nor have i supplied with either of those things except beer when he visited us at college when he was 20 that was the only time
[00:39] WildNCrazy320: i swear
[00:40] WildNCrazy320: only cause he was 20 and cause i was there to keep an eye on him
[00:40] WildNCrazy320: but never ever before that, ive woken up at 2 in the morning to pick him up at parties so he wouldnt be drinking or doing that stuff
[00:40] Insanejoker2001: ken he turns 20 this year
[00:40] WildNCrazy320: sorry 19
[00:40] WildNCrazy320: thats the situation
[00:40] WildNCrazy320: thats the truth
[00:41] WildNCrazy320: it was on his birthday actually i took him out up here
[00:42] WildNCrazy320: what else would u like to know?
[00:43] Insanejoker2001: thats enough
As you can see i gotta lot of thinking to do.