Aug 05, 2001 19:42
well, another wonderful bad mood is upon me.
i was thinking about mental disorders the other day.....if u cant control your emotions, then you're bi-polar....if u hurt yourself then you're manic depressive or maschochistic. im not gonna diss people with mental disorders, i mean, they have them, they cant help how they were born. but the thing that pisses me off is that one person can have something wrong with them, and because its got a scientific name and its classified as a "disorder" people understand why they are the way they are, but if somebody else has something wrong with them, and theres no name for their "disorder" they're told to change the way they are. bullshit. if you dont like how somebody is, then chances are they dont like you and wont give a fuck what u think, or just shoot them if their existance is causing that much of a bane on your life. fuck you.
and dont think about callin me a hypocrite, because i dont tell people they should change, i just bitch about the way they are and i really dont expect them to care what i think. actually, im glad people are so shitty, it gives me something to write about.
im eating an orange and spitting the seeds into a coffee can like a spittoon....i just got three in a row....score.
this is a shitty time to be alive. we have no ambition, no passions left, everything has been done. no wars, women and blacks have equal rights, weve got nothing to rally for or against. for the most part we realize that there will never be world peace, and we'll never end world hunger. so what the fucks the point. people go around picking up stupid causes just so they can have some sort of opinion about something. then they find a million other morons who think the same way they do and they stage some sort of rally or march or protest or something and expect people to care. these people are why i want a flamethrower.
if i was president, and i decided to start a war, i wouldnt recruit the good citizens of this country to fight for me. id clear out all the prisons, smack camos on em and send em out. "heres the deal people, youve been wanting to get out of this place for a long time, now heres your chance....u live, you're free, u die, then you're dead. but ive had enough of watching people pay their money so we can feed and cloth you people everyday. so this is your chance to prove that you deserve another chance. if u decline and decide to stay here instead of going out to fight for this fine country, then you will be tied to a nuclear device and dropped on (country we are at war with at the time).".............then id let them fight, and kill the rest of the survivors. VOTE FOR ME!
well im gonna go get ready for another lame ass party tonight.