Apr 28, 2009 04:28
Malk, and perhaps more improtantly this blog, isn't dead!
So what should you make your first post in nearly 2 years be about? I have actually been checking LJ on and off the whole time, I just havn't been inspired to post. I've made comments elsewhere from time to time and have kept up with lurking in and around the communities that interest me, but I just havnt had anything really to say. Well, life has been excruciatingly interesting. Not in any good ways ofc. Well that's a lie, but all the big stuff has been bad and I havnt wanted to blog about it. So I didnt really see the point in posting shit like "went to sainsburys", "washed my hair" and "ate some pie" and as a result my blog went silent until such a time as I felt like posting shit like that again.
Funny thing is life for me personally has never been better, it's just also been a collosal bag of shite at the same time. I'm gutted that I can't explain more but to be fair far too many people have had to suffer the story than have deserved to already. Anyways, hopfully in the next few weeks life should be calming the fuck down and I can actually properly enjoy the good bits and hopfully share them a lil' as well.
Random list of things what I have done in the last 22 or so months no particular order:-
Started DMing a game of Dark Heresy.
Started attending Monday nights again albeit only roughly fortnightly.
Got an iphone.
Had my job transferred 12 miles away (in London this is a significant and potentially seriously irritating distance).
Got a rather significant transfer at work back to the old office.
Quit working part-time at Playin' Games.
Started eating Indian takeaways so much the staff not only recognise me and know what "my usual" is but sometimes start preparing my order when they spot me outside.
Taken up AT-43 in a fairly big way and got a friend hooked on it too.
Travelled ~40miles ~monthly to play AT-43.
Travelled ~200miles once (so far) to play AT-43.
Kinda half taken up Confrontation 4th ed.
Picked up WFB again nearly 20 years after I swore I'd never buy a mini that needed glueing and painting ever again.
Glued and painted several minis.
Lost every game of WFB I've played so far as an adult.
Heard about a Watchmen movie adaptation.
Built up hopes about a Watchmen movie adaptation.
Came in my pants watching the first Watchmen movie trailer.
Worried about the Watchmen movie adaptation after seeing the second trailer.
Saw the Watchmen movie and enjoyed it despite boggling at how the new ending was supposed to prevent armageddon. (Wouldn't the Soviets just assume Manhatten was still working for the US and launch?)
Have weighed 12 stone.
Have stopped regularly attending the gym.
Have purchased a multi-gym for home.
Have used said multigym twice in four months.
Have weighed 13 stone.
Have steadfastly not owned a TV the whole time (and not used pirate sites or other illegal shite to watch programmes...except for the one-off Red Dwarf at Easter which I saw on youtube, shit what the fuck was that all about?!? Did they have to go begging to the fan club for funding?!?)
Got a new Gaming Rig of awesome.
Got a new monitor for the Gaming Rig of awesome.
Quit WoW.
Started EQ2.
Quit EQ2.
Started WAR.
Thoroughly enjoyed WAR.
Started a Guild in WAR for all my RL friends and their freinds that played.
Watched the player base for WAR (and my guild) dwindle and die.
Moved Servers from Makaisson to Burlok.
Started thinking about moving servers from Burlok to elsewhere.
Got a whole bunch of new games for my Rig.
Have worked a lot of night shifts.
Stopped playing DoW so much as SoaSE, M2:TW, SupComm and Crysis (effing 1337 gaming rig, I swear!) have taken over.
Recently got DemiGod and have played it constantly OFFLINE as I cant connect to anything online GRRRRR.
Havn't been to a gig since...~Oct 07 WTF?!?
It was a rather cool Anathema gig though.
Missed the newish Anathema album and keep forgetting to get it.
Have walked for 12 minutes to get to work.
More than once have taken 10 minutes to defrost my car then 3 minutes drive it to work.
Sometimes I have spent upwards for 10 minutes parking at work.
Made a new years resolution to walk to work.
Have weighed 12 stone.
So what should I post about in the near future? Wargaming? Politics? MMOs and computer games? News/current events? Ugh...iphone apps?
Now I have a camera that both isn't rubbish and is pretty much everywhere I am I might be taking pix of stuff. Should I try keeping a picblog too?
Is anyone still reading this?