Jul 09, 2006 13:51
I'm just posting this in here since I found them interesting...
* Even with treatment, the average person with bipolar disorder has 4 episodes in the first 10 years of the illness.
* Married people with bipolar disorder are 2 to 3 times more likely to get divorced than those who do not have the disease.
* Keep a diary - Doctors often tell people with bipolar disorder to keep a tracking diary. This is a place where you keep a daily record of your mood and how it affects you. Record your moods at the same time every day. Make sure that someone close to you knows where your mood tracking diary can be found in case of a medical emergency.
(John is doing that for me. He records my mood, any important events of the day that might've affected my mood, and if I took my meds. It's unbelievably valuable.)
* People with bipolar disorder that is untreated have a 15% to 20% suicide rate.
Suggestions for loved ones of those with bipolar included:
* If you can, go with your loved one to this doctor visit. Talk about any symptoms you've noticed since your loved one may not recognize these symptoms or think to mention them.
I liked hearing that, because it makes me feel less stupid for not realizing I'm in the middle of a hypomanic or depressive episode sometimes until John points it out.
I started having trouble a few months ago... had a depressive streak that was all-encompassing, very dark, and lasted five weeks before it broke. Doctor upped my medicine, and even after that I've been having these long-lasting episodes of depression. They're thankfully not the -very- dark episodes I used to have... I just feel a little sad all the time, I cry from time to time for no reason, and I don't have any motivation at all. Nothing's fun... everything is just a distraction to get me through another day. But I can still "count my blessings"-- I /could/ be having severe episodes and feel like I'm in hell every day instead of just sometimes. ;o)
My meds have been upped again, and I'm really hoping they kick in before this next semester starts. It's really difficult to give a rip about school right now, and not to feel overwhelmed with my just-above-full-time schedule for next semester.
Anywho, there's a random update.