Jessica's leaving early. George managed to get a load into St. Louis, so she's leaving tonight. I've been very a-okay with it until now. Last night when she told me, I immediately started crying, and pretty much bawled my eyes out for the next hour. I'm gonna miss her. :o( Then she and I had a misunderstanding where I thought she wanted to talk at the bf who she was leaving with the next day instead of me, and of course my feminine annoying sad side came out, and I moped and acted like a jealous bitch. Thankfully, it got worked out; one of the many good things about Jessica and I is that we make up -really- quickly. So... I dunno how I feel. I'm really really happy for her, and I'm glad she's getting to go be all lovey-dovey with a guy I actually approve of. I also think it'll be neat to have my own apartment, all to my lonesome. Only... she's my best friend. And she's /leaving/. And the apartment will be so... quiet. I'm so used to seeing her every day. I know it's not the end of the world, and that she'll be back once a month usually to visit, but... it's not the same. *shrugs* I just dunno how to feel exactly.
I was at a Nirvana concert with Bette Midler, and somehow she and I had met up two times that year already, at other events. She'd liked me because I just talked to her, and didn't go, "omg your a famus persun!!!1111". We talked about Nirvana songs, etc. Kurt had this silly blonde wig on, which he threw into the crowd. He also had a glass bottle of something, which he also threw... it shattered on the ground, and security blocked off the area. Some girl went for it, but cut her hand a bit. He then had this styrofoam sheep which he danced around with. He left for a moment, and this fan ripped the head off. She was a meanie-head. I saw the glass lying abandoned and thought 'what the heck' for some reason. I went over to it and sliced my hand all the way down. The security guy was really nice and helped me bandage it... he placed a call in to 911 and let them know he'd gotten three people injured already... one an accidental knifewound, and then our cuts. I managed to stop bleeding enough to stay for the concert, though.
There was some part I've pretty much forgotten about a fat woman with multiple personalities. She also shapeshifted into a man that had demonic powers, and tried to drown me. At some point, I managed to get the dominant personality to consume the lesser and repel the demon, and then he and I found each other extremely attractive. There was some kind of megacrush there, and he was giving me strategy tips about how I could've avoided certain drowning techniques. I countered with an argument of my own, and to show me my argument sucked, he held me under for a few seconds. And then, of course, there was sex-in-the-water.
Then later, I watched a presentation on the making of some werewolf movie. Then I was at this sex toys auction. A female friend and I were there, waiting on a few dildos that we apparently wanted. Suddenly we were all naked, and she was hitting on me. We kissed, but then she was below me, with a strap-on, and I blushed and playfully slapped at her. She was pretty much just joking about the trying-to-have-sex-with-me-in-front-of-other-people thing, and the auction went on. The man from earlier was there, and he shot me some lascivious looks.
I came home where I still lived with my parents, and dad had let me know that he had a bill he needed me to take care of. He came into my room and handed me a receipt. Some friend of mine named 'Brian' had killed himself, and the bill came to $111.24. I let dad know that I could handle that just fine. The phone rang, and it was Tom calling. He wanted to know if I was doing anything that night. I asked my dad, and he said, "Duh... we're having -dinner-." And I said, "Well, I know /that/. But what're we doing /after/?" I never got to find out if I got to go hang out with Tom or not, because some idiotic telemarketer called and woke me up. :P The sad thing is? There's tons more of that dream that I've forgotten. Freud would have a field day with me. ;o)
Lastly, that post I made with the links was FUBAR'd. A lot of the links were screwed up thanks to yours truly, and I'd also left several out. So... I've gone in and changed the entry, fixing all the problems. If there were links that didn't seem to lead to what you wanted (like Teaching Baby Paranoia aka Modern Tales) or didn't work at all (like Jack Chick Ministries) then pretty please go look again. Or actually, look anyway... there's new ones. :P