Листья жгут, листья жгут - 2 (немного позитива!)

Apr 26, 2014 18:16

Сегодня четвертый день...я схожу с ума... весь дом НАСКВОЗЬ провонялся дымом, запахом, я постоянно дышу чем-то похожим на марихуану (или я уже сошла с ума).... во рту вкус дыма и скрипит на зубах...ЭТО НОРМАЛЬНО???????
Короче, я не выдержала и позвонила 911 - других идей у меня не возникло.
И вот надо же было мне так попасть.... эхххх... ОНЕ МНЕ СКАЗАЛЕ, ЧТО СЕГОДЯ, 26 АПРЕЛЯ - ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ДЕНЬ ЖЖЕНИЯ ЛИСТЬЕВ....

вот оплошала.....!!!!!!!!

Я спрашиваю: он жжет уже четвертый день, так если бы я позвонил вам ВЧЕРА, вы бы приехали?
Она ответила: ОК!

Ну хоть какое-то решение проблемы. И оказывается с 1 мая по 30 сентября официально нельзя жечь ваще.

Ладно, от души отлегло... но я вижу у него во дворе 5-6 куч приготовленных к сожжению..... он собирается все сжечь сегодня или растянет удовольствие до 1 мая???????

Saturday April 26, 2014 is a BURN day in Gwinnett County.

Please read the safe burning practices brochure before you burn.

Outdoor Burning Rules & Safe Burning Practices

Sunday is NOT a burn day as prescribed by Gwinnett County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance.

Burning Banned May 1 through September 30

In Atlanta, during the summer months, the ozone in the air we breathe can reach unhealthy levels. Ozone is formed when volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides react in the presence of sunlight. A major source of these pollutants is the burning of fuels and other combustible materials. The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has identified open burning as a significant contributor of the pollutants that form ozone. Therefore, open burning in metro Atlanta and the surrounding areas must be restricted during the summer months. Beginning May 1st and ending September 30th, EPD’s Open Burning Ban will be enforced in 54 Georgia counties.

The Open Burning Ban prohibits citizens and businesses from burning yard and land-clearing debris. This rule is in addition to the year-round state ban on the burning of household garbage.

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources has issued a ban on open burning May 1 - September 30 of each year. Fifty-four counties in Georgia (including Gwinnett County) are affected. Gwinnett County Fire and Emergency Services are responsible for the enforcement of this state-issued burning ban within the County.

From May 1 - September 30, you may not burn leaves, tree limbs, or other yard waste, forest land, or use air curtain destructors for land clearing.

Medical Burn Ban
A Medical Burn Ban may be established by the Fire Marshal to provide relief for citizens with a medical condition that may be adversely affected by smoke from outdoor burning.
Citizens may request a Medical Burn Ban by having their medical doctor complete, sign, and submit the “Medical Burn Ban Application” annually and returning the original form to the Fire Marshal’s Office.

Citizens may request a “Medical Burn Ban application” by contacting our office at 678-518-4980 or email firemarshal@gwinnettcounty.com

Upon approval of the request, a Medical Burn Ban will be established for a radius of approximately one quarter mile around the intersection nearest the applicants address.

The Medical Burn Ban prohibits the burning of yard debris, commercial pit burns, and related types of burning within the burn ban area. Cooking fires and recreational fires being used safely and in accordance with state and local laws and ordinances are not included in the medical burn ban.

Medical Burn Bans will be discontinued May first of each year with the implementation of the Summer Burn Ban by the State of Georgia. A new application must be completed and submitted to the Fire Marshal’s Office each year. Previously approved applicants will be notified to renew their application by September first of each year to maintain the medical burn ban in their area.

ЗАЦЕПИЛО, жысть, home-sweet-home, ЛИЧНОЕ, Америка

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