On Eating Flesh, the Roman author Plutarch wrote: "Can you really ask what reason Pythagoras had for abstinence from flesh? For my part I rather wonder both by what accident and in what state of mind the first man touched his mouth to gore and brought his lips to the flesh of a dead creature, set forth tables of dead, stale bodies, and ventured to
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-the only reason we have brains well developed enough to feel sorry for animals we eat is because we ate them in the first place. nature's cruel trick i suppose, but nevertheless. i'm not saying vegetarianism or veganism is wrong, but i'm also not saying i feel bad for eating meat
-as for his argument about eating in self defense, when do you see anything in nature surviving off the hardest prey it can find? rarely do large cats dive into the ocean to battle sharks in order to avoid having to feel bad for a helpless gazelle. the reason for eating certain animals is because they better lend themselves to being prey
-i also think it's a lame argument to say we should hunt without those means available to us. there is a certain satisfaction in having fashioned the means by which you catch an animal, but that doesn't represent a moral obligation. hunting for food is different than hunting for sport, and if he were addressing sport hunting, i think that he could present a more sufficient argument
all that having been said, congratulations on 3 years!!! thats certainly something i wouldn't do, you've been strong to do so! :) although, if you don't like meat, i guess it's not too challenging... except with a dad like yours........
love you baby!
i now have an image of an ultimate showdown between a lion and a shark. and gazelles cheering on the shark.
and i love you too!
ps. 3 years? it was easy!
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