It's Not for Lack of Love

Mar 04, 2005 11:13

Friends, I am here to tell you what you already know:


I have been having trouble all week with the commenting! Various different kinds of problems, to boot. Sometimes I can't access the field to post a comment, and sometimes I write one but it won't take, just tells me to come back later, and later and later...

Blah. It's been a long week over here, lots of work (even nights!). Also computer problems-- the dumbass cat ate the freaking cables and cords for the modem AGAIN and so we are on slooow dial-up that is just too frustrating when one is used to hi-speed wireless, yk? Plus to boot, we got some kind of virus that shut down Explorer. Ack! Thanks heaven DH figured out how to restore it. I may be able to chase down a new cable today, definitely this weekend.

Anyway, my point, and I do have one, is that I love you all and really meant to reach out and say so many times this week! But I couldn't! So now you know.


ETA: Even now, on my hi-speed work connection, I can't comment! Urgh!

Also, the love and the excuses apply to my faery and my faery recipient as well. Love and kisses to you both! Sorry I couldn't comment in the appropriate space to tell you that! I'm glad you liked the socks, Leaky. And I can't wait to find out who is the faery that sent me such wonderful treasures and the best dang mix cd that I can't stop playing. XOX
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