I'm Going to Boot Camp...

Mar 24, 2011 09:38

... for SF writers.


I have had the honor of being accepted into the Clarion SF/F Writers Workshop this summer, which is six weeks of intense WRITING with six professionals in the field, among them Kij Johnson (author of "The Fox Woman") and Elizabeth Bear (matociquala). It's all very exciting. They take only 18 students a year, and I'll be living in San Diego from late June to early August on the UCSD campus, basically eating, breathing, and living writing.

I really think if I hadn't been laid off, I never would have considered applying to this. And no, my severance doesn't run THIS long, but I have a super-supportive husband who assures me it will all work out.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to support myself through the writing. It's a difficult proposition, but other people are doing it...and I think this can't help but help.

clarion, writing

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