... for SF writers.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Clarion-Science-Fiction-Fantasy-Writers-Workshop-at-UCSD/10099920939 I have had the honor of being accepted into the Clarion SF/F Writers Workshop this summer, which is six weeks of intense WRITING with six professionals in the field, among them Kij Johnson (author of "The Fox Woman") and Elizabeth Bear (
matociquala). It's all very exciting. They take only 18 students a year, and I'll be living in San Diego from late June to early August on the UCSD campus, basically eating, breathing, and living writing.
I really think if I hadn't been laid off, I never would have considered applying to this. And no, my severance doesn't run THIS long, but I have a super-supportive husband who assures me it will all work out.
The ultimate goal, of course, is to support myself through the writing. It's a difficult proposition, but other people are doing it...and I think this can't help but help.