Oct 11, 2006 02:02
hey ben - since youre probably the only one who actually read my artist statement...
i went to my supid morning meeting with liz today, and she seemed to like my artist statement, you know, the crappy second one. She told me to use a thesaurus to find "juicier" words, tweek my sentences to make them more concise, and then at the end, you know, the tiny part where i mention my theme, she crossed out the whole last sentence about the cat in the box saying you dont need to say this, its not important, and youre last sentence is a really good ending point. Im sorry, one sentence is not a concluding paragraph. two sentences was BARELY a conclusion, but i wanted to see what shed say if i did what she wanted and cut out as much describing "why" as possible. paragraph, paragraph, paragraph, sentence. those are not good paper writing skills LIZ! Did you know she hasnt taken an english course since '71? Thats 10 years BEFORE Neil was born, for anyone whos counting...
and if you want to get me started on how uber English-incompetent she is, ask me sometime about how she doesnt know the difference between using the active voice and the passive voice,
or rather, between "passive voice" and "past tense",
more to the point, i dont even think she knows "passive voice" has anything to do wtih grammar at all, evne though she made us all buy that fancy "Writing for the Visual Arts" peice of shit book, reads from it to me during our private meetings, yells at us for not reading the chaper on active and passive voice....
in spite of the fact that i found, on page 35, and read outloud to the class "Passive voice occurs when the subject of the sentence does not do the action of the sentence." after which she proceded to completely ignore me.