Jan 29, 2009 18:40
Today we went for the ultra sound of baby smith. (NO-WE DONT KNOW THE SEX DANGIT!)
after waiting for one hour to even get seen, the baby decided not to cooperate. As a matter of fact, baby smith decided sleeping was more important than rolling over and showing his/her heart. (by the way, the baby is awake now and kicking at my organs!) Baby smith also decided that using its feet as ear warmers was much more fun then rolling over and stretching out!
I am measuring right on for a June 16th due date.
there was a small complication and they doctor got a little worried. Basically, they thought the positioning was wrong and that the placenta was kind of in not the right place. This would have meant a lot more check ups and also that I would have to have a planned C-section at about 37-38 weeks! And it limited my activity.
After some very hard pushing on my belly, and nearly two hours of ultra sound later, they were able to get a better view and saw the baby was just being stubborn and that i wasn't in danger or anything.
So baby smith has a heart, lungs, full brain, no spina bifada, two eyes, two hands, two feet, some sort of genitals (that we could never have identified), and all the other things that make a little human.
So we are good to go hopefully till June.
now, dinner!