Feb. 4, 2013: OOOMPH

May 17, 2013 15:22

February 4, 2013 (Monday):

163.0 lbs...

I told Butch about the trip to Stagler lease. Brian and I left for Nowata about mid day. It was a short drive of about 50 miles. We found the lease just fine. It was a typical little oil production scattered around this shallow oil country. We stopped for few minutes by the tank battery then drove around. We took pictures and speculated about the potential.

I started my career or business in shallow oil country of Chanute, KS in 1981 and like I have written few times before that there is no eartly reason for me to be in this kind of financial bind, but here I am, still pounding these old gravel roads and rutted lease roads and all that. Instead of causing a depressive feelings, I felt energized for some reason. I won't be able to sell this small deal but that didnt matter. It is the fact that I am still out here and still looking and still trying to put deal together and still have that oooomph which is the driving force behind succes which is important.
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