Scientific American says that due to the accelerating expansion of the universe, eventually other galaxies will move so far away so fast we won't be able to see them and all the universe will appear to be an empty void. What, the article asks, will astronomers of the distant future make of the nature of the universe when they have no evidence left of the Big Bang or even of the existence of objects beyond our own galaxy?
But the more burning question is:
why was Sun giving birth in a hospital room where the door to the hallway was left wide open? Granted, I have no first-hand experience with how this works, but I assumed they usually don't turn it into a spectacle for the benefit of random passers-by.
I'm still all bummed and sniffly over the end of the episode, but at least Bernard was in it for a while, and Bernard makes everything better. I hope I didn't miss a Rose appearance. I didn't see the beginning because I was busy buying plane tickets to California, which means... CostumeCon is a go! Woot!
(Mom: If I did it right, I should have the seat next to yours on the MN-SJ leg of the trip.)
Now, to get back to sewing. ...Well, tomorrow get back to sewing. Now to get to bed.