Jul 12, 2005 00:06
I had a usual uneventful Monday. I slept until noon which is when Kyle got to my house and woke me up. We just layed in bed for a bit because it's our favorite thing to do. We took a shower around one and went to the grocery store for my mom. That was fun. I'm a nerd who likes to pretend we're married when I do stuff like that. Went home and fixed lunch. Then went to work. I waitressed tonight which was fun but we were really slow. I made about $25. My dad came in and had me wait on him, which was nice. He drove me back to mom's when I got off work. He talked about going to my g-ma's for a couple days. Going to g-ma's house is always fun. She lives on the Chespeake Bay so there's lots to do. It seems to be the only place on earth where the extent of their crime is shoplifting. He even invited Kyle. Which is crazy. My dad is a nice guy, but most know how dads are with boyfriends.
At home I was going through my purse while I ate dinner and found this note in my purse. It said: "Jennifer, are you smoking now?" As in cigarettes. I thought it was one of my co-workers because they love to give me a hard time about my smoking. But it was in my dad's handwriting. He doesn't know I smoke, but my mom does. So shit. I kinda didn't want him to know but I guess now he does. Damn. I talked to Kyle for a couple of hours and watched Family Guy. I'm the biggest dork on the planet just to let everyone know. Now I'm watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I have a really bad headache so I can't really concentrate. I should go to sleep, but I don't feel like it. Hey my headache is gone. Sweet. I'm just chatting online. Maybe some cool will happen tomorrow. I want to go to Elena's but it's super hard since I have no way to or from her house. Poot. She's suppose to do a really pretty butterfly tattoo for me. I love bod mod. Some plugs I ordered are suppose to be coming in soon. They're going to be so pretty. They're like my red ones, but I got them in black and blue because the red ones don't match anything I wear. I guess I'm done babbling now. Night everyone!