Made it through! Woohoo!

Jul 15, 2003 22:57

Well, I got up this morning and went to work. Still not feeling tip top, but made it through my work day :) Plan on seeing my PA Thursday for a looksie. Always nice to see Ed; wonder how the boys are doing?

Took the stress quiz. Scored a 19. That really surprised me!

11-20 Points
You've got a moderate amount of stress. Although you're handling it fairly well, aim for dropping the kinds of behavior that seem to add stress to your life. Stress-reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga may also be helpful.

Wish my blood pressure reflected this! rofl

Work is getting odd. So many inter-personal issues playing out. I'm beginning to see the beauty of my out of the way office space :) I used to find it restrictive, now it is becoming a haven. I need to look for new cork boards and frames....need to spruce it up.....maybe some wall paper boarder. JAM will like that.

Need to remember to come up with values/goals for box. Don't want it to be empty for next month's meeting.

Tired tonight. A3 down. Bummer. Heard a power outage sparked the problem. Will have to check Reddy's posts more tomorrow.
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