Pregnancy #2 Week 7

Oct 05, 2018 15:36

Today is #1 of week 7. Woke up feeling extremely, extremely ill. Worst day yet by far. I had a pounding headache and debilitating nausea. Luckily Eva let me lay down, for the most part, on the couch, but around 8:30am I let Tom know I needed help. Then I started throwing up everything I ate that morning (hash browns and eggs). Once I threw up I started feeling better. All I have been wanting to eat the past few days is soup and crackers, which is agreeing with me.

For lunch I had some minestrone broth and crackers, and a cheese stick. For a snack I finished up my avolemango soup I had made (SO good, need to make more). For dinner I think I'll have a frozen tofu pad thai I bought at Safeway today, that sounds pretty good.

So far, the food aversions and sickness still aren't as bad as with Eva, because I'm a little more picky about food but thinking about certain foods doesn't make me nauseous. Also, my nausea was only in the morning. Now I feel the remaining effects of being so sick this morning - my head and stomach feel achy still, but I'm feeling SO much better than this morning!

Cravings: soup, crackers
Aversions: All types of meat, anything greasy, like potato chips


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