May 11, 2009 09:09
I feel fantastic.
I went to my St. Clements School reunion this weekend and I feel like I have done a major spring clean on the inside of my head. I am back to being me. The real me.
I have spent YEARS, almost decades really; living with the anger and pain of being bullied at that school by the girls who went there. I had been offered in the past to attend a alumnae weekend and had always turned it down. I was too afraid and angry to deal with this part of my life.
This year I bit the bullet and went. And it was the best thing I could have ever done.
On Friday was the assembly in the morning and reception in the evening.
I ran into several teachers I hadn't seen in years.
Pat Rehki, my grade three teacher who's first words to me were 'Sarah Ogle! I remember when you through a desk at me!' ( I was a vicious little kid!;) ) We talked and laughed through most of the morning. Interrupting the assembly actually and causing some very angry glares. Hilarious.
Sarah Gleeson, my grade two teacher who was always one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered. She is now the head of the junior school. She gave me a hug and was amazed at seeing me. It wa sgreat seeing her.
Oddly enough, (those who know my athletic track record, or lack of) my grade six/seven gym tacher, Kelly Pace. She gasped when she saw me and said 'Oh my god! You still have the same big smile and sparkle in your eyes!'. It was really great.
I wore a name tag which said class of 1998, even though I left in 1992, that would have been the year that the rest of my year graduated. Two girls came up to me during the reception and introduced themselves as girls from the class of 1998. They came after I left and commented 'Sarah Ogle! I know the name just not the face!' I introduced myself and they told me that whenever stories circulated about their year, Sarah Ogle was mentioned. They said it was all positive. I hope so! ;)
The Saturday was a luncheon at the Donalda club. REALLY WASP-y place, not ultimately comfortable to me but it was pretty. I thought to myself, Whatever you do, don't say you're Jewish! :P Plus, I wore a dress and heels! I KNOW! *SHOCK*
The meal was alright. It was really neat seeing the older alumnae. Some in the class of 1944 (as in graduated year of)! The table I was at was kinda the 'kids' table. The oldest person there was class of 1989 and youngest, 2004. Sadly no one from my year was there. There were three girls from the year below me. One saw me and gasped. "Sarah Ogle! I remember you from choir!" She was the only student to really remember me. I was touched.
The other two girls in her year where what I was expecting at the reunion. They were self absorbed and pretty catty. I ignored them for the most part. Really, I felt sorry for them. They weren't willing to leave high school behind.
Overall, I feel damn good that I faced my demons and walked out of there with new found confidence.
You will find that most people who were picked on in school turn out to be the most interesting people. I think that's because school was so tough for them socially or academically or both that they strive for more. People who had everything in school never bother growing because they are already at their zenith.
I am thankful that I was bullied when I was in school. It made me strive for something more.