Bringing the Coffee
Chapter Summary
Things slow down significantly now that Darcy is working with the scientists.
Also later in the chapter we meet the rest of the Avengers (no Thor yet sorry I miss him too).
Getting to Stark Tower was easy, despite morning traffic, she stopped by to pick up Jane’s usual coffee order and one of her favorite pastries a bear claw. Got a selection of things that the files had included about their morning diets and arrived at the Tower about half an hour to spare. The receptionist handed her a tablet that she had to stuff in her ugly standard issue SHIELD briefcase and told her how to use JARVIS. “Just talk, ask whatever, you’ve got permission to ask anything but he might not answer. And he’s always listening. And here’s a packet that Pepper left for you. Its not included on the tablet because its basically for your eyes only and you’re supposed to use a locked cabinet in your office that’s what these keys are for.”
“Pepper left me instructions?”
“Yeah she figures you might last longer than his regular assistants. Oh and your biometrics are already loaded into JARVIS’ system. If you have any more questions he’ll be the one to ask he knows more than me.” She gave a pained smile, as if to say sorry. “I’m basically just a receptionist.”
“Well nice to meet you... Miss...?”
“Oh yeah I keep asking for a nameplate, I’m Lily M. Daniels, but you can call me Lily.”
That wasn’t so bad thought Darcy, she’s really nice for someone who looks like a supermodel and probably makes triple what I make. But then they would have to hire a supermodel to fit the outlandish lobby. There was two banks of elevators on the entire floor and only the receptionists desk. There wasn’t even anywhere to sit at first glance, but she found some seating on the other side behind the elevator banks. The city was completely visible behind all the darkened floor to ceiling windows. The decor was wealthy utilitarian. The huge slabs of obsidian that made up the receptionists desk contrasted with the black marble and the elevator banks shone like white gold. The seating looked like they were granite. The whole placed would have given Darcy shivers if she hadn’t lived in bunkers, barracks and tents for the last six months. Not to mention her cinder block dorm room from freshman year.
There was a modern art piece under construction outside in the courtyard in the back in the midst of remaining rubble that she noticed while walking to the elevator. “Hello Jarvis, I’m Probationary Agent Darcy Lewis I need to know where my office is. Please.”
“Yes Agent Lewis we’ve been expecting you. And you there is no need to say please.”
“There is when you don’t want the AI to turn on you.” she muttered.
“I would never turn on you Agent Lewis without provocation.” Darcy was not imagining the bemused tone.
She found her little office just down the short hall from the elevator bank. There were only glass walls everywhere to be seen. She waited patiently for the eye scanner and slapped her hand on the handprint. The keys were actual keys though so she supposed there would be limits to all the automation. She sat down at her desk, and skimmed the packet left by Pepper. It was filled with typed up personal notes about Tony’s preferences, the layout of the lab looked like it was made in Adobe Photoshop and even a list of phone numbers to reach Pepper or Happy. She wondered why exactly Pepper hadn’t relied on JARVIS to convey all this information and decided that the extra level of personalization was perfect for bonding over large distances. Finally she read the personal note that was folded up.
Agent Darcy Lewis,
I know you’ve heard a lot about Tony but Jane has high hopes you can work with him, not to mention Agent Coulson requested you for his PA in training so I’m pretty sure you can do this. Do not under any circumstances let Tony see this packet. Also he might have a personal assistant, I’m not sure at the moment they quit so often. Keep your key with you on the chain provided or hidden on your person. Happy is his personal driver he’ll detain Tony or take him where you need him to go if you lose track of him.
Darcy whistled in the empty office and did as instructed. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or excitement that filled her with energy and decided it didn’t matter. People were giving her tools to do this job well. If she’d believed in a patron saint and angels she was pretty sure she had Coulson on her side. Either that or he had wanted to see her fall flat on her face.
She had five more minutes to read through the notes and finally marched over to Jane’s desk in the lab. Then laid out the food and drinks she’d brought deciding it was easier to stay at Jane’s desk to watch for the scientists coming in than to leave the stuff in the kitchenette in the back of the lab and risk missing them completely.
“You’re late.” Came a voice from behind a large robot. It could only be Tony Stark’s voice, since she’d been watching so many youtube and news clips to get her familiarized with him.
“Nope I’m early, please to meet you I’m Probationary Agent Darcy Lewis,” She pointed at her watch. “Would you like a double espresso?”
“Who told you what I drink?” interesting she thought, he didn’t deny it, he could have.
“SHIELD agent remember?” She pointed at herself and didn’t miss the way he studied her head to toe. He wouldn’t take the offered drink so she left it on the flat surface nearest to him. “And I’ve got some power bars if you’re hungry.”
“DARCY!” squealed Jane, and the women hugged. “Yay coffee!” Darcy smiled and she could see Tony’s eyes roll as he reached for his double espresso. “Sorry I’m late I wanted to meet you in the lobby, but I got so behind.”
Jane was sweet but Darcy knew she couldn’t stick to a schedule like ever, she shrugged. “That’s ok I was just introducing myself to Mr. Stark here. When does Dr. Banner come in?”
“He does yoga in the morning so he doesn’t usually show up until ten.” Jane was tearing into the bagels and was talking around a full mouth. Darcy wondered if that was Thor’s fault or Tony’s because Jane definitely used to have table manners. “So tell me SHIELD Agent Lewis, what’s the protocol? No one tells me anything!”
“So far I’m going to help you all catch up on paperwork and get you to meetings, debriefing and generally be a Liaison for SHIELD, but only for the scientists.”
“What happened to the other Agent lady?” Tony asked.
“Agent Hill was just here in the interim, she’s not even supposed to be a Liaison,” Darcy explained as Tony inspected the power bar selection and went back to his rolling chair.
“Yeah she was really annoyed when we never filed paperwork, said it wasn’t her job to do that.” Jane seemed apologetic but Darcy knew that just meant she was bummed to be scolded not that she ever had any intention of filing the paperwork. “Tony that’s Bruce’s!” Jane reprimanded as Tony inspected it before taking a piece of the bran muffin.
“Doesn’t have his name on it.” Tony took a muffin and she took it back.
“Ugh. He’s just teasing Bruce, Darcy you’ll see. Oops sorry Agent Lewis.”
“Eh no worries we’ll just do Lewis for a while.”
“Cool.” Jane was fidgeting with her napkin and coffee.
“Hey don’t let me keep you go back to work, I’m gonna be here all the time now.” Jane grinned and bounded off to read some of her screens and talk to her personal assistant.
“Why do you wear a suit and Agent Hill a blue cat suit?”
“She’s field ready but also a pilot and on the helicarrier, I’m...”
“Just a suit.” he finished for her.
“Among other things.” why is he asking stuff he probably already knows? He does know I have a gun right? Her happy grin was fading fast after Jane. Bored or blank? thought Darcy. Maybe I’ll just do eager to make a good first impression.
“Phil, wore a suit, he uh... was in the field.” Tony seemed to falter then, and because the reference surprised her Darcy couldn’t recover from the emotional reaction or mask it easily.
“Agent Coulson was awesome, I hope to be at least half the Agent he was.” Darcy answered solemnly. He studied her emotional state, she still couldn’t smile or do eager at the moment, he kept doing stuff, they just sort of gave each other a moment and Darcy started to walk away then.
“Well you are pretty short.” Tony finally said. Darcy was able to still her features further but she still took a deep breath. “Didn’t know they made agents that small.”
“Back at ya.” Darcy didn’t bother looking at his face because just then she heard soft footsteps enter the lab.
“Dr. Banner, hello I’m Probationary Agent Lewis, nice to meet you. May I offer you tea and a bran muffin?”
“Oh uh yeah hi, I’m sorry I already ate this morning but I can have them later.”
“See Jane I totally could have eaten his muffins.”
“I’m working Tony.” Jane was done with the frivolity for the morning. Tony just waved dismissively and lunged at Bruce’s muffin but he deftly dodged Tony’s reach.
“Thank you Agent Lewis, I will save them for later, Tony, hands off. Look you have a power bars.” Tony grabbed one and went back to his corner.
Darcy answered the few questions Bruce had, he was quiet not prone to smiling but friendly enough. Mostly he wanted to know what she was doing here, since he’d never really spent much time with SHIELD until the past month he was fuzzy as to the protocol.
He seemed to beat around the bush about the crazy green elephant-sized issue asking obscure questions instead, “I don’t actually have very high clearance since I’m just a Probationary Agent but I could find out maybe?” Darcy was hoping to get more information out of him but he looked pretty uncomfortable and it made her uncomfortable too, until she realized he was afraid of her reaction to him, at ease Bruce look I’m smiling. “But yeah I’ll be here with you all in the lab or out in the field if you’re called out there.” Bruce sipping his chai thoughtfully, studying her.
“Well I know Jane has been awaiting your return, it’ll be nice to have you in the lab.” the smile that settled on his face was small but earnest.
The morning passed slowly Darcy pulling up file after file. There were over two dozen reports outstanding and few of them had even been started. She pulled up what information she could from surveillance and notes and frustrated she got up and started with Jane. She basically attacked her during one of those times Jane was trying recharge her brain during a cleaning session. They were rare but it left her free to talk, her lab assistant seemed very efficient at data entry and machine maintenance but didn’t care about doing the cleaning Darcy used to do.
Together they finished three reports and she had Jane read and sign them. “Thanks Jane I’ll let you get back to your... stuff.” Darcy waved in the general direction of Jane’s messy desk, “hey lab assistant, help Dr. Foster clean up this mess.” she loomed behind the seated assistant until he got annoyed and helped out. This could work, she thought. She made sure to reward him with a power bar, never too early to start positive reinforcement.
“Dr. Banner. I was wondering if you get a moment today or tomorrow if I could get you to help me with answering some questions about this paperwork?” she said catching Bruce alone.
“Uh yeah sorry I never seem to have time to finish those and uh call me Bruce.” he forced himself away from his screens and rubbed his eyes. “I think now would be a good time I’ve been looking forward to that muffin.” His smile was tired, already?!, but he sat down to eat and answer questions. Bruce was much better about starting his reports and miscellaneous paperwork for SHIELD so she managed to get through five of his and got him to read and sign them.
“Perfect, I’ve kept you long enough for today.”
“That’s fine, it's still easier having you do it when I’m eating, than trying to do them on an empty stomach.” he mused.
“My nefarious plan is working!” Darcy liked the guy and was so busy flipping through the pages she forgot herself for a second and got familiar. He chuckled softly after a beat.
“Absolutely worked.” and he walked away smiling.
Finally towards the end of the day she came to Tony. “I’m busy.” he yelled before she’d gotten within three yards of his area. “Stay back or you’ll touch something explosive!”
Darcy didn’t even blink, “That’s fine we can work on these tomorrow. But I was wondering before I let you go... you wouldn’t happen to have some unfinished reports lying around I could work from?”
“You are too polite. Don’t like it.” he was distracted and mumbling.
“That’s just ‘cause I’m new here.”sure that her eager expression was secure on her features. Tony pulled away from his robots and motioned to his desk.
“If its not on my desk its not anywhere I hate paperwork. But I guess you can start now. Follow me, I’m going my secret superhero lab.”
“Lead the way.” On the elevator ride down he talked to JARVIS, and looked at her sideways Darcy pretended not to notice.
She sat on a rolling desk chair as he had his robots put his suits on him and take them off. They got through two reports before Tony got annoyed. Darcy decided to push him a bit more to see if she could get him to read and sign off on them. He did but then he said exasperated. “Do you have to dress like that?”
“Yep.” Darcy answered immediately.
“But you’re going to be here all the time. It bothers me, hurts my eyes and clashes with... me.”
“I can make a request for civilian clothing but I’ve never heard anyone ask for such a request so they might just laugh.”
“I’ll get Pepper to ask, and I don’t think they’re allowed to laugh.”
Darcy just looked at him shocked one because he was going to get his fiance, CEO of Stark Industries to ask (and why did it bother him that much?), and two Tony was probably right about agents not being allowed to laugh. “Dude its just a suit.”
“No Pepper wears suits, you’re wearing a standard issue man in black suit. Its not even cut for a woman.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, there happens to be extra material to cover her ladies. There might be a case for sexual harassment if he’d been her boss but she doubted there was anything she could do. And now her patience was wearing thin.
“What would you even want me to wear?” she could have face palmed for leaving such an open-ended question.
“Whatever you want. Now shoo its the end of your workday soon and I’m pretty sure you have to file those, and go recharge at Headquarters mothership.” Darcy left mentally shaking her head. In the elevator she frowned trying to figure out what she would wear to such a strange job. There was an email from Pepper asking her for anything she might need. Apparently she had JARVIS report to her or watched surveillance because she was thanking her for taking them breakfast. And Darcy was expected to call her back.
“I do try to get them to eat before they go down there but most of the time they don’t eat until lunch. I’ll get you a charge card to keep bringing them breakfast.” Pepper sounded sweet and normal, like she was talking to a friend. Darcy had no idea she was going to have two bosses because she got a summons from Agent Hill to SHIELD (interrupting her evening combat training sessions geez!) asking her similar questions. It was exhausting having to answer questions just for doing PA stuff. Annoying as all get out too.
The next three days passed in the same rhythm finishing up reports over food or while they did “SCIENCE!”, filing the paperwork getting acquainted with the scientists workspaces. Gradually the lab assistants started asking “Ms. Lewis” for permission to do things, if Tony yelled at them they’d go to her, if Jane couldn’t communicate with them exactly what she wanted (“I said it before I don’t know why its so hard to just do it again” Jane was nice but she was terrible at communicating). Or on Wednesday when Dr. Banner was trying to get one of his assistants’ attention, and the idiotic thirty year old was avoiding him like the plague and smug about it. Darcy blocked his way and pointed him back to Dr. Banner’s section. When that didn’t work she started started shadowing the poor guy and played with her gun, pretty soon he wouldn’t leave Dr. Banner’s side.
The science lab was actually three floors equally divided into four vertical sections like enormous science condos but towards the middle they had a great big open space so they could talk to each other easily, the staircases were situated around them and Darcy could only guess that the natural acoustics were enhanced because they never had to repeat themselves to make themselves heard. It was a subtle detail but it made the huge three story labs feel homey-er. The glass walls were sometimes turned opaque or huge metal walls could be lowered to shield the rest of the lab from experiments. The fourth part contained her office the kitchenette, restrooms, the platform elevators and Things.
Tony snapped at Darcy on the third day though when Jane’s personal assistant messed with his robots. The guy had accidentally backed up into the Dummy knocking the poor little guy over and breaking his only appendage. Darcy studied Tony and asked JARVIS discreetly how much sleep Tony had been getting, it was less than ten hours in the last three days. She asked why immediately wondering what the AI didn’t know.
“Because Ms. Potts is not here in New York. I recommend switching his coffee to decaf, possibly giving him some benadryl as well.”
“Won’t I get in trouble?”
“I will never tell.” Darcy snorted, he sounded sincere but he could be hacked. JARVIS continued, “Ms. Potts has the right to override the security protocols that would allow Tony to see any visual evidence. You may call her if you wish to confirm.” There was definitely something wrong about conspiring with an AI, but Darcy did just that.
Pepper was relieved to hear that Darcy was bringing it up and that she’d arrived to the right conclusion all by herself. She gave the approval and Darcy carried it out, sprinkling two crushed benadryl’s into a muffin that she’d left on Tony’s desk.
Once Tony got too sleepy he didn’t even make it upstairs he just crashed on the couch in the kitchen area. Darcy put a do not disturb sign on the door.
On the fourth day Darcy had to deliver Bruce and Tony to SHIELD for debriefings but it turned out to be a mission. Tony was less surly in general but he seemed suspicious of Darcy. Bruce was immersed in his tablet. Darcy was left to wait in uncomfortable chairs going through emails and schedules. Somehow the lab assistants had gotten the email that Pepper had given her at SI and now she had two inboxes to sort through. She watched anxiously whenever people went into the conference room, recognizing Agents Barton and Romanov from SHIELD Director Fury’s offices and training. And then there was a tall blonde Adonis that dressed seriously retro or just like a grandpa she couldn’t decide and looked vaguely familiar. Agent Hill informed her that they would be leaving directly for a mission and she would not be needed for the mission.
She was however given a letter stating that she was allowed to wear civvies so long as she was not on an official mission or coming into SHIELD headquarters. That was going to be a pain especially if she needed to carry extra clothes with her. And she needed to go shopping.
That night after working out she called Jane and asked her to come over and help her pick out some outfits that she might think worked for the lab. Jane was useless of course mostly because she still dressed in jeans and flannel shirts. Finally they decided on Darcy’s old interview clothes her mom had bought her in anticipation of graduation. It was a boring beige and less comfortable than the SHIELD suit and Darcy was pissed.
At four am she got a call to report to Headquarters. Darcy dressed in her regular suit and made for SHIELD like a bat outta hell. She was directed to the infirmary where Bruce was past exhausted, she wasn’t sure how he was still awake he looked so bad. Tony was giving the doctors and nurses a hard time and refusing to remove the rest of his suit. Apparently the front had been torn off by something huge and the rest of the suit was scorched needing some manual help.
Darcy called Pepper without a second thought and told her the situation. “Pass me to Tony.”
“No Pepper I don’t even need to be here and if I take off my suit they’ll keep it nope not gonna do it.” He sounded paranoid and flippant but Darcy could tell his nerves were rattled. He dropped the phone Darcy catching it simply because she was so close.
“Ask them if they’ll come back to the Tower to take care of Tony there. If they won’t they have my permission to sedate him.” Pepper was grim.
Darcy almost couldn’t respond, Tony picked up on her hesitation and started saying, “Whatever Pepper said don’t do it!”
But Darcy did as Pepper wanted and the SHIELD medical personnel loaded up into the extra large ambulance with Tony and Darcy. Once back at the Tower she watched helplessly as Tony sort of spilled out of his suit with the aid of the robots, the medical personnel working quickly on him. He’d sustained two broken ribs and some serious bruising. They hooked him up to an IV and left her with him in his bedroom.
Darcy was on the phone with Pepper most of the time narrating what was going on.
“Agent Lewis you are amazing thanks for everything. I know you’ve been awake this whole time probably on your feet so go ahead and leave him and call Happy to keep him company.”
Darcy still had to wait until the chauffeur came. Meanwhile to her great amusement Agents Barton and Romanov had wandered in after the medical personnel left and thanked Tony for taking the brunt of the blast, in their nonchalant way despite the fact that they looked just as exhausted as he did. They weren’t looking so hot either though. Both of them wearing slings and bandaged around their faces, bruises blooming. The tall blonde Adonis also arrived wearing sweats with a few day old bruises and gently admonished Tony for not following orders. Darcy tried very hard not to stare at any of them when she offered them food and drinks, (apparently there was a kitchen that JARVIS could direct her towards).
Finally Happy came to relieve her and she left Tony assuring him Pepper was up to date about his condition and was flying back to NYC. He waved her closer, dazed with medication and said, “Thanks for you know, for getting me back home. I know you work for them but, you’re cool, and hey now you've naked.”
“No worries Mr. Stark, you rest up I’ll be downstairs with Jane for awhile. Let JARVIS know if you need anything, I’ll be right up.” The tall blonde Adonis stepped out of her way and gave a small nod.
“Oh hey Agent Lewis, this is Captain America. Captain America, this is the new Phil.”
He held his hand out, “Ma’am a pleasure to meet you, the name is Steve Rogers.”
Darcy was really glad she had training for this sort of thing. Seeing Thor without a shirt prepared you for Adonis clones calling you ma’am while wearing thin white shirts and too tight sweats.
“I’m not the new Phil, no one could fill his shoes, I’m just a Probationary Agent. But its an honor to meet you Captain Rogers.” She really needed to break Tony of the habit of bringing up Agent Coulson. It only made her sad and it was harder to push down the grief. Especially when Captain America’s big blue eyes in his perfect face grew round and mournful at the mention of Phil. But he nodded solemnly and was about to say something before Tony cut in.
“Go away Lewis, go babysit Jane and wrangle the lab minions but remember they're mine so don't shoot them... or no wait! Bruce! Find out about Bruce.” So she called up Agent Hill and found out that Bruce had also been brought back to the Tower and she reported the news to Tony. “Ok well... JARVIS monitor Bruce’s vitals and report to Lewis I’m sleepy, gonna take a nap now.”
Captain America had left at some point and Darcy tried not to dwell on the fact that she’d left her apartment without makeup or a shower. As she waited for the elevators she took a look around the massive two story window that gave the apartments and elevators a strangely homey feeling thanks to the open plan, almost like any living room window complete with couches on the bottom floor and a huge balcony it seemed to lead to other apartments like Tony’s and she registered absently that there was a lot of living space in the Tower. The possibility that Bruce lived here like Jane did was really high. She wondered about the rest of the team. She was vaguely aware that JARVIS was trying to get her attention when she looked away from the huge windows and got on the elevator. It was already ten am and she hadn’t eaten anything. She went to get food and coffee for herself and Jane, grabbing some extra stuff to drop off wherever Bruce seemed to be staying. Jarvis told her just to leave it in his lab. Jane asked her questions but didn’t seem too worried.
Darcy just sort of waited for the food and coffee to kick in before tackling any old paperwork. It was noon before she decided that the lab assistants were acting like a bunch of kids left with a substitute which was unacceptable. If Darcy took pleasure in making them write reports about what they’d done for the whole week and what they were now doing she definitely wasn’t going to show it. And she may have asked Jane and JARVIS for ridiculous tasks to make them do. When five o’clock rolled around she got a summons to Tony’s room. The thrill had worn off of her little power trip and now she was stuck reading all the reports she’d asked for and trying to figure out how to better utilize their time. Some people knitted other people organized.
“You look worse than I feel. Why are you even still here?” Tony was wide awake still obviously high and eating a sandwich while Happy dozed on a couch.
“Thanks Tony, and I’m supposed to be here.” she said dryly, forcing her tired features into their blandest neutral expression.
“Sit.” She looked around the room at the limited options. “Here Lewis sit here.” he said patting the bed. She sat down at the very end of the bed. “Why do you look so crappy?”
Darcy was nearing the end of her patience with this rudeness. He obviously hated the way she looked and it was beginning to hurt her feelings. “No shower, no makeup and I may or may not have forgotten to eat like... two meals. There are you happy? You found a SHIELD agent with weaknesses. And besides you still look much worse.” She was pretty sure she was blushing with anger because her face was on fire.
She took a deep steadying breath and got up. “I’m sorry, that was unprofessional.”
“Stay Lewis I’m not done.” Darcy willed her blush to fade away. “I finally seem to have struck a non-Phil related nerve. I should be the one who’s sorry. I don’t think about what I’m saying sometimes. Also painkillers make me weak. Fighting makes me sappy.”
She surveyed him coolly, knowing her blue eyes could make people nervous. But she broke first seeing sincerity for once in his eyes, unguarded and real. “Agent Phil was... he was there after Thor landed, he recommended I join SHIELD. He... Was my mentor. You may have been close to him and I respect that I do but...” No one told me he had died. He was just gone. She didn’t finish though and didn’t want to say how mean he was being when he got on her case about her clothes and looks.
“I don’t like seeing you in a suit because it reminds me you can die, like Phil. But you are so, so young. Its uh, hard to think that you might die just because you work for the wrong organization. Maybe I don’t want to see you in a suit ‘cause I figure it’ll get rid of a target on your back. I was wrong. You’re a pretty girl, er, woman. Agent. Whatever. Makes me sad to think you look exhausted because it means we’re already wearing you down. I’m sorry. Really I am. You can keep wearing your suits. Don’t pay attention to what I say. You’re good for Bruce and Jane. And me.” Darcy was looking away from Tony, out at the view of the harbor, and was trying to be angry and willing herself to stop the big fat tear that had escaped. She took a moment to breathe, she was a SHIELD agent damnit, no tears! but they kept falling anyways heedless of her inner yelling.
“Apology accepted. If that will be all, you can reach me whenever, rest up Tony.” She tried to walk out quickly but found herself looking at a very awake Happy and looked down, ashamed, wiping at her tears in vain.
Just outside the door she asked Jarvis for the nearest restroom. He directed her to some bathrooms on an empty office space floor. She didn’t notice Agents Barton and Romanov in the shadows just beyond the corner but they could see her sad face on the shiny surface of the elevator.
Darcy never got to share her grief. Didn’t know Happy was annoyed with Tony, never knew that Agents Romanov and Barton later went and asked JARVIS for surveillance about the exchange and were granted access even though it breached security protocols.
Happy thought she was a nice kid and even seemed like she wanted to do the right thing and serve her country, trying to follow in Agent Coulson’s footsteps. Pepper was sent the clip that Clint and Natasha had requested because that was part of the protocol. If JARVIS violated protocol it automatically had a check and balance letting either Pepper or Tony know. She felt terrible for the young Agent and was briefly ashamed of Tony even though it didn’t surprise her. Happy thought Darcy would be an amazing personal assistant, just caring enough to get wounded and reach Tony’s thorny heart and approximating Pepper’s capable handling of Tony. He didn’t like Tony picking on her but, saying sorry just wasn’t something Tony did.
Suddenly Darcy found herself working for a secret organization where her feelings either needed to be buried and forgotten or forged into weapons like Natasha’s, she wondered if maybe that was part of the training she’d skipped as she entered Headquarters’ underground gym to work out and mix some sweat with the tears that still threatened.