People generally have to spend many sleepless nights to write them.
I thought I'd post some great long blogs to celebrate my winning but in reality of all the ways to best describe my enthusiasm are topped by simply saying... I've finished more in this brand new shiny novel that is exactly 30 days old than I've ever finished for any other story I've written.
I'll be done someday with it, when my skill has reached my vision because I think this story deserves it. I've spent many sleepless night writing it and I want to do it justice.
Aghhhhh.... I'm doing it again. I'm telling myself I don't have to finish something because it won't be good enough. And you know... it felt good to push myself past the momentous inspiration into the tedious word-smithing process. My brain hurts but thats ok... I feel like I can do anything right now.
So here's a resolution...
I'm going to make '09 the year of finishing things. Finishing my BA, finishing all fanfics that are currently in limbo, and most of all... finishing my NaNoWriMo 08 Novel....
Because you know I think winning is only the less beneficial half anyways.
The other is the awesome struggle that teaches you who you are.
Here be
some gloating...