Michael Moore's movie SIKO the best movie of the year!

Jun 28, 2007 22:50

If you decide to do anything this weekend I strongly urge all of you on my friends list to go and see Michael Moore's new movie SIKO. I promise you will not regret seeing this movie. It may even change your life and the way you look at our government. Please encourage everyone you know to see it. I have never shed more tears during a movie and been so moved as I was during this movie, I hope you will all be too. Please pass on the word. If we do not make change as a society there will be NO change that is made. The money that you will spend on the ticket to see this movie is well worth the knowledge and entertainment you will receive from this movie. Take your bottles back or ask to borrow money but do go and see this movie. Michael Moore makes very valid points in the movie. I have never been a fan of him and I still took the time out and saw this movie. Originally I wanted to see this movie because I worked in the health care field for 5 years of my life and I wanted to see how he was going portray the insurance companies, government and the people that need health care. I think he did a wonderful job on this movie and showed the truth about health care in our country. Let me know what you think of the movie and our health care system. Thanks for reading my post.
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