Another Week, Another Me

May 27, 2013 10:51

Here we are again. I have come to realize that I have been doing this, posting journals I mean, instead of interacting with people on any meaningful level. I only get on the computer once a week now, and it's only to do this and then get back off. I haven't even logged into Facebook for ages. It's a little inconsiderate of me, but something I can't seem to help at the moment.

What did I do this week?

Well, a friend of mine took me out to watch Star Trek. I don't think I ever even thanked her for it, as there was some confusion afterwards with bathrooms and such and I think we left without each other. I did really enjoy the movie, but only as complete fluff. I have unfortunately been hanging around my husband too much as regards movies. I was endlessly distracted by all the plot holes big enough to drive the Enterprise through. I also found myself looking at the villains and alternately going "YUM!" (Cumberbatch) and "RoboCop!" (Weller). I kept getting struck by how very much Spock reminded me of a particular friend, both physically and his endless social awkwardness. I may or may not tell Kevin this. Odds are good that he'll take it as a compliment. But it was an exciting movie, full of lots of action that made me motion sick, though that's probably because it was Memorial Day weekend and we were forced to sit in the third row. WAY too close for me. It was really pretty too, except for three major problems.

The first was the worst, and that was the extreme closeups, especially of Kirk. Hollywood actors are generally pretty. We have accepted this. In fact, they usually spend a lot of time in makeup trailers to ensure that you notice how pretty they are. This entire effect is undone if you comstantly put a digital video camera six inches away from their face. Suddenly I notice that the actor playing Kirk is way older than he is supposed to be for the role. I can also see every single pore and acne scar on his face. It's not a good look for anybody, and especially not for the main character who we are supposed to be harboring a crush on. I say this because I know damned well how Kirk has always been marketed to women.

The second and third are less bad than this, but all fall under the same category of bad style. How in the world do you make the Enterprise Bridge look like it should be selling iPhones? I mean really, the whole thing had that weird clear plastic and glass with weird lighting that I've seen in EVERY Apple store. And I know I'm not alone in being the one to complain about this, but could we stop it with the freaking lens flares?! HISHE got it right: "I mean, how do you have a ship where lights shine right into your eyes from every possible angle?" It does NOT add to the drama or ambiance of the film. It's just annoying.

Have I mentioned what a huge crush I have had on Cumberbatch for like YEARS now and how unbelievably sexy he is as a villain? I mean OMG.

Anyway. The other major thing I did this week was a bought a huge binder, and filled it with about 500 sheets of paper and stocked it with all kinds of pens and things, all leading up to one thing:


Yes, I am writing a novel. I have had the idea in my head for about 10 years now (no kidding) but have never had the courage to start. I kept putting it off with excuses about my own lack of talent, the stories lack of marketability, and lack of proper research. I finally just said screw it and started. But only four pages? Yes. Turns out that it is INFINITELY easier to rip off someone elses universe (fan fiction) than it is to create your own original story. So, it's slow going. I am also hobbled by guilt because I have a half dozen other projects that I desperately need to finish, which includes editing the first 12 chapters of a friends book that I have had in my possession for almost a year now. Yes, that makes me a shitty friend. I keep vowing, "this weekend I will take care of it", and yet...I suck.

So, bring on the torture. Tell me what an awful person I am. I already know, but it helps to have confirmation.
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