(no subject)

May 16, 2010 05:40

I seem to spend my life in a perpetual state of self-induced sleep deprivation.

Why do I do this to myself? I am MISERABLE when I haven't had enough sleep, and lately it seems to stack on itself so I never get caught up.

Last night I went to see Iron Man 2 with a big group of gamers from the Dragons Hoard (local game shop). There was enough of us there to fill an entire row, which was a lot of fun. My friend Gail treated me, which was also fun, but I had a gift card and as I was leaving used it to buy Jim some popcorn (since it was his condition for me going out anyway). I'm sorry, but $8 for a bucket of popcorn is LUDICROUS! How can they even justify that, when there's seriously giant trash bags full of the stuff at Wal-Mart for like $2? The theater industry has gone off the rails. No wonder no one wants to go to them anymore.

The movie was awesome, and well worth watching, though admittedly I could probably have just watched it on DVD and not felt the loss. Still, it was fun to get out and share something that nerdy with other like-minded folk.

Afterwards I stopped by karaoke for like an hour. Sang "Defying Gravity" with Brit, which Seth recorded again. He keeps saying he's gonna post them, but he never remembers to.

Came home, showered, and collapsed, but that was almost midnight and the alarm went off at 5am. Frakking hell.

So yes, no sleep, but totally my own fault.

I did my toes last night though, in a strange iridescent color that I'm kind of grooving on. Gave myself a henna too, on my hand, which is probably gonna get destroyed today at work. Apparently VMI graduates at 10am this morning, so we're gonna be absolutely slammed. So not looking forward to that, but maybe it won't seem so bad after I've had coffee.
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