(no subject)

May 04, 2010 05:49

"Is there anyone out there, cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe..." - Maroon 5

Fertile Grounds will be here in two days, and I have so much stuff to do still!

One more scrubbie to finish knitting, and then I think my kitchen stuff is done, I just have to round it all up and get it in the car.

Did all the laundry yesterday, though only half of it is folded. I have to sort through it and make sure I have double the amount of clothes I think I will need. Three days should equal three outfits, but when have the day is going to be spent in the kitchen...yeah, I will need changes throughout the day. And ritual clothes. I am the Lady of Water for main ritual and have to be sure and pack something that fits the element. Not sure what yet.

The biggest thing is the henna, which still isn't done. I went over to Steph's house yesterday. She is my silent partner in henna, and we made up a test batch of the new powder. I hadn't bought from this source before and wanted to make sure it was going to work. Oh boy howdy!!! The cone leaked in the crease between my thumb and first finger on my right hand, and turned bright screaming orange instantly. Something to be said for fresh henna powder that stains on contact! I figured it was a fresher batch than I'm used to. It was much brighter green and had a stronger smell. Steph and I doodled all over each other. My hand design I had to remove the paste from this morning (my paste tends to stick more than other peoples. It's the molasses.) I have food to prep today and didn't want to risk getting it in the food. The leg design though is still there and I'm gonna just leave it. It will come off by itself or when I'm forced to shower this afternoon. I still have to cut and roll more cones and I need to have several cones made up either Weds night or Thurs morning. I may wait until I get to the park. It doesn't take forever to mix the stuff, and I've been using a thinner paste lately to go through finer tips, so if I pre-batch and stick it in baggies it's liable to leak all to heck. *sigh*

I really am excited to be doing this again, though I think pulling double and triple duty was a bad idea. :)
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