Apr 16, 2009 03:40
Ummmmmmmmm ok so yeah, semesters almost over, and let the fretting being -_-
It it wasn't the project that took a month to do eating every moment it finals happening next week, and if it's not that it's not getting the syncrude job for the summer, now I have to look for a job in town..... and while this is Fort McMurray and there being alot of jobs...... well I always screw up the interview process some way or another.... ugh and I had everything planned too -_-
Um so lets see, it was my B-day on the 7th, I turned 24 (yay me) not much gaming wise, Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown story wise, but gameplay wise I had a blast with my friend Dakota. I've mostly been playing FFXI, I just hit lvl 74 on my Whitemage.... woo one more lvl and I'll be at max! but with finals next week that will have to wait. Lets see what else.... my DS lite broke on me..... but my friend said he'd pitch in for getting one of those new DSi's, the one with the camera built in so thats some good news.... um I got the new pokemon game, platinum, it's alright. Oh and I saw the demo gameplay for Final Fantasy 13, the game looks beautiful, but the battle system still irks me, their doing a think where you control one person while the other two are AI, other than that it looks pretty standard..... it does look better than FF12.