Clara Clara Clara

Jan 20, 2015 17:07

OK, Anyone else find it weird that Clara remembers clear as a day, exactly all that happened in the dream when everyone else (but the Doctor) forgot.

About the dream crabs and their adventure together I mean. She and the Doctor both remember exactly what happened.

But, and here's my problem with it, they aren't supposed to once awake. For that matter I don't even think Clara is really there, and it is all a figment of the Doctor's imagination, because last we saw him before Santa bounded into the TARDIS, he was asleep. (that isn't to say he went back and collected her AFTER waking up, if he ever did...)

I have theories. Huge theories that everyone will probably hate.

Theory 1) The Doctor dreamed up Clara and brought a bunch of other people into his dream to help him fight an unreal enemy that he had only heard of as a legend once in his very long life. He's telepathic, he could bring people into his own dreams if he feels he needs them hard enough. He collects her after he actually wakes up simply because he misses her and wants to know if she is ready to travel again, because she is ready to leave Danny for a bit (who he doesn't remember is actually really still dead.)

Theory 2) He never woke up after the dream and the whole dream crab episode and is happy just staying asleep and dreaming Clara is still with him. Main theory for this one is because the last time he saw her she was actually old. She died shortly after and he misses her. Dreams are a safe way to keep her with him. Second theory, is he is afraid she will reject him and stay with Danny (who, again, he won't remember is actually really dead still.) He wants her to keep traveling with him, and the only way that is happening is in drams.

Theory 3) This has all been a post regeneration dream and he hasn't yet fully truly woken up from the process. Hence all the trying to figure out who he was and if he was a good man he did this series. What better way to figure that stuff out than in dreams where he can't really hurt anyone.

Big reason for thinking Clara not really there? Her screaming like past Classic Who companions when the dream crab on the table is going for her. I'm sorry, but when did she start screaming like that? Answer, never. I could have believed it from Amy and/or Rory, who did scream a few times (for comedic purposes) but not really any other New Who companion. New Who doesn't really have screaming companions. So why is she screaming like this is the first really scary thing to have ever happened to her? Where's her confidence? Where's her ability to stay pretty much calm and centered even when terrified out of her mind? Yeah, it's not there.

christmas special, twelfth doctor, clara oswin oswald, screaming, theories

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