Things I Learnt from Doctor Who

May 21, 2013 16:55

Rewatching Doctor Who and I am currently half way through The Sensorites.

Because yes, I am back to my epic rewatch of Doctor Who.

Going to be doing a Thing with it. Well, several things really. I'm going to be going back to both my Life in the TARDIS series with the Companions's hints on how to survive life with the Doctor and my Breaking Hearts series with the Doctor's reactions to each Companion leaving him.

I'm also going to be doing a Things I learnt from Doctor Who thing.

Starting with these from An Unearthly Child to The Aztecs:

* No matter how much of a grump you are, you can always make friends.
* Simple things we take for granted can be used to save your life.
* Everyone should get to have a say in important matters, not just the one running things.
* Never take important things from your trasportation/vehicle. You will lose it or someone will steal it, leaving you stranded and in need of help.
* Not all strangers are bad, but they are not to be fully trusted either. At least, not until they have proven themselves a friend or not.
* Different cultures practice different ways of life. This is to be resepected, no matter how much you disagree with the way certain things are done.
* No matter how close you may get to someone, you will inevitably get into fights.
* Apologies can go a long way in patching up friendships, or start them to begin with.

More will follow.

I am hoping to keep these serious, but they may stray into the humour category of things.

ian chesterton, tardis life, first doctor, barbara wright, fic news, susan foreman, breaking hearts, epic rewatch, things i learnt, doctor who

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