
Feb 17, 2006 15:16

EVERYONE you know will eventually leave you. Whether it be by death, abandonment, etc, they will leave. Noone will always be there for you. You establish relationships and commitments with people, only for them to be broken sooner or later. No matter HOW much you care for someone, it just doesnt matter. "Another thing is no matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close." It doesnt matter if you've been happily married for 40 years, or have never experienced love; If you are an alcoholic or drug addict, or you have 10 years sobriety; If you are wealthy or living on the streets. It.Doesnt.Fucking.Matter. Noone takes pity on you; Do you think God looks at your resume when he chooses whether you are given a second chance to live or to let your ass die? Do you actually think there is a God? You tell me, if there is a fucking "God", and he is so "powerful", why did he let his "son" die while nailed to a cross? Only to become a symbol for pail incompetence? For weakness? So, why not just live right now?
& Another thing, these egotistical teenage girls that think they've experienced everything since theyve been in a shitty relationship and their parents are divorced, that make fun of people that refuse to conform to their mold, their ideal of perfection; or people from the past, who come back and criticize someone, telling them how much they've changed; OR people who look at someone's clothes, how they talk, their friends, and assume they know everything about them; I think you need to shut the fuck up until you gain some maturity and realize that the world doesnt revolve around you.
I'm sick of fake friends who ignore you, then the next minute when something "tragic" has happened, come crying to you because they fell on their ass. You give advice, you help them out, you're there for them all of the time, yet when a big party comes around, they leave you on your ass in the cold. I just think that its really stupid that people dont value the friends more than their current infatuations; Your obsession will eventually leave you, but [good] friends are there forever.
Everyone that acts so tough needs to just shut up. You have NO power over ANYONE, no matter their age or social status. You're a teenager, they're a teenager; You dont like the way they talk or act? Get the fuck over it and leave them alone. They never said anything to you, you started it. So when you get your ass beat, dont act all fucking innocent.

Here's some shit I'd like to add.

I'm so fucking tired of these people walking around with their goddamn pants to their ankles, their boxers sticking out, sideways caps with some fucking sports team on it. YOU'RE NOT A GANGSTER. STOP IT. You're not impressing anyone. Yeah, you all think you're tough because you're in a gang, and you tag up billboards and road signs. Whoop dee shit. You're all tough untill someone puts a FUCKING GUN TO YOUR HEAD. How about that? Are you tough now? Will you be tough when someone has a knife to your throat? Are you such a gangster now?

I hate people who go around screaming about how fucked up they are on drugs or alcohol. Newsflash: No one cares. In 10 years from now are you still going to be doing that shit? Are you really going to spend your life smoking pot and drinking anything with alcohol in it? A select few of my friends are potheads or drinkers. But the difference is they dont go around advertising it. They respect me enough to not do it around me.

Also these people who go around picking fights with people, and making fun of people who dont fit their mold of "normal." THERE IS NO REAL DEFINITON OF NORMAL. SHUT THE FUCK UP. What are you going to do when you're at your day job, and you see someone you don't like? Are you going to make fun of them, like you did in high school? Or rather, are you going to "jump" them because you don't like them? You can't do that in the REAL WORLD. Wake up people. You can't sit at your parents house living off of daddy's money forever. Fuck you, your lifted trucks, your stupid SRH/Metal Mulisha stickers, and your false sense of security.

I hate stereotypes, but I use them sometimes. I try not to do it so much. But I fucking hate "bros." They're the reason I left regular high school for bowman high school. I hate "popular" pretty people who pick on minorities or other stereotypes because they dont understand what they do, why they do it and what they believe in. If you dont understand, don't make fun of it. What happened to people just being people? Instead of emo, bros, punk, scene, metalheads, potheads, preps, jocks, bitches. Wtf ever. We're all human in this world. We have to co exist, so why not get along while you're at it, instead of making someone cry or taking their lunch money because they're "weaker" than you.

I believe if you pick on someone or do the old fashioned take their lunch money because they're dorky, or geeky, or nerdy..or just not like you. Like I said: There's no true definition of normal. We all have our own perceptions of reality. Don't pick on someone because you think they're weaker than you. You're the fuckin weak person for picking on someone you dont really know, or like. If you get your jollies out of making someone cry, hurt or feel sad, or alone, KARMA IS A BITCH, and it will bite you in the ass.

Take your mind out of the highschool environment, people. In 10 years none of this shit is going to matter. Your hair color, your piercings, your clothes, what brands you like, what BANDS you like, what car you have, if you party on the weekends..it's not going to matter in 10 years...especially being in the popular clique in highschool. NOTE: AS SOON AS YOU LEAVE HIGH SCHOOL, YOU ARENT TOUGH SHIT ANYMORE. NO ONES GOING TO TAKE YOUR BULLSHIT, ESPECIALLY ME, SO MOVE THE FUCK OVER.

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