Oct 09, 2005 11:55
Where did I go? I've lost complete touch of who I am. I don't know who I am anymore.
I can't write anymore, I can't sleep anymore, I can't eat anymore.
Maybe it's stress, but I don't like it. I never got this way before. This way isn't healthy. I feel different. I feel down. Not depressive, just down. I'm more serious, more shy, more quiet than before. It may just be how I feel I've changed in my perspective, but I just think I'm changing, and like always I'm not changing for the good. Whyyyyy can't I get better? I was better before now things aren't the same. I don't like change anymore. New things scare me. I can't joke around with my good friends without making an idiot of myself, without others laughing at me instead of with me. So I'll just dig deeper into my shell. My safety shell. Where I can be left unoticed and happy. Well at least I think I'll be happy.