Meme: What I've Been...

Jan 06, 2016 14:50

Watching: Colony (TV), Sherlock Holmes: The Abominable Bride (TV), The Martian (film), The Visit (film), Electic Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Fillms (documentary)

Reading: Horrorstör (book), lots of articles about neurotransmitters, X-Files fics by wendelah1

Doing: still rehabbing furniture (it's going to take a while), celebrating my niece's birthday, doing research for my X-Files fic (please see the bit on neurotransmitters) so I can get Scully's science-speak right, getting into countdown mode for the new X-Files run

science, television, poverty is the mother of invention (diy), horror, friends of malice, science fiction, books, documentaries, writing, blood is thicker than jagermeister, sherlock, movies, meme, the x-files

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