Monthly Reading List

Apr 02, 2021 02:56

Books Read in March

The Westside Park Murders ... NF, true crime

A Cosmology of Monsters ... F, horror

2666: Book 2 ... F, literature

2666: Book 3 ... F, literature

The Troop ... F, horror

The Leopold and Loeb Files ... NF, true crime

The Purple Diaries (audio) ... NF, biographical

Kolchak and The Lost World (audio) ... F, horror/sci-fi

The Kolchack Papers (audio) ... F, horror/sci-fi

Behind The Horror: True Stories That Inspired Horror Movies ... NF, film, horror

The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson (audio) ... NF, biographical

Lafayette Murder and Mayhem ... NF, true crime

Total books read: 12
Total fiction: 6
Total nonfiction: 6

Best book read this month: The Leopold and Loeb Files, The Troop (tie)

why i have no money, books, monthly reading list

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