I thought that now that finals are over and I'm on break until the end of January, that I would have more time to update as I wished but apparently not. I've actually been fighting a slight cold but I'm pretty adamant about not getting sick this time.
But yes, finals are finally over, so I'm now allowed to sleep again. I actually managed to surprise myself by how well I did on my Psych. exam. I didn't really have time to study for it at all except for the day of. However the Japanese 1A class had their final that same night so I had to be in the language lab pretty much all day to tutor whoever needed it. So here I am trying to study in between helping people and the entire time I was in a mild panic. I remember sitting there talking with the other tutor Naoyuki like "I'm not going to pass! I'm going to completely fail it!" Luckily he said something rather... American which made me laugh, so I lightened up and stopped worrying. I didn't expect to get a perfect score though. Nor did I think that I would get all of the optional extra credit questions right. It was rather nice to find out I did so well. (・◇・)
Though I've been on break for almost a week now, the only thing I've actually done has been catching up on both sleep and movies. However, I started something back up recently that has made me really happy. Yes, I've started to draw again. Recently I just haven't had much time to devote to it, plus I've lacked any sort of motivation and inspiration. That and its not something I've wanted to do being depressed all the time and everything. But I actually finished two drawings today......
My phone camera doesn't really do them justice unfortunately...
The graveyard one turned out okay for a scribble. Especially since I finished it in 15minutes while mindlessly watching a movie ... I'm oddly proud of it though because I usually suck at any sort of landscape. There is something about the other that I don't like but I can't figure out what it is. I did almost completely ruin it though because I forgot that I had just put ink on a few things right before I sprayed hairspray on it to keep it from smudging. So the ink bled a bit...
The recent artistic comeback came at a good time because I was told some very interesting news today. My uncle in law apparently has taken a great interest in me lately because of my art and my study of Japanese culture. The same uncle that happens to own one of the best galleries in LA. He and his business partner basically handle all of Takashi Murakami and Co. works outside of Japan. And because he believes that I have the talent, he's willing to get me into any university in California. And I would have the chance to do everything I've ever wanted to do in Japan because he has 'connections'. Yeah that pretty much sounds like a dream come true and the most perfect opportunity anybody could ever have. Except that we're talking about me. The same person who feels awful when when her grandma gives her things for no reason. If I can't take something as small as $20, how can I expect myself to take something as generous as this. I would feel absolutely horrible every single day. and not only that but I'm already terrified of disappointing my family. I would be under a lot of pressure if I did this and I would constantly be worried about letting my uncle down. It sounds amazing because art and music are really the only things I'm good at and I would be doing what I want where I want. I don't know... It would still be a bit of time longer because I have yet to finish the last Japanese class that my community college offers. Not just that but I had decided a long time ago that I was going to take as many art classes that interested me in an effort to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. The only things I need to finish other than Japanese are the print screening and computer graphics classes. So its not like I don't have time to figure out whether or not I want to do this. Nothings actually set right now anyways, I have to scan and send him some stuff out of my portfolio. Though I already think that I'm going to accept...
ahh my copy Jitsuen Ban Ammonite came in the mail the other day but since its technically a Christmas present, it was immediately wrapped and put under the tree. I want to watch it nowww (・ヘ・) I've been fighting myself to not just go download it anyways but I'm losing resolve because I keep seeing caps of it everywhere... I feel like an impatient little child but I can't help it since I'm pretty excited about this DVD. oh and I also bought a present for myself that I'm really excited for. I finally found Bokyaku Monologue for a reasonable price although the shipping was a bit steep. I never had the chance to buy it when it first came out and until now, I've never found it for sale anywhere that shipped overseas and if I did it was always ridiculously expensive. So I'm really happy (⌒▽⌒)
and on that note I'll end this here and go get some sleep...