One Nation Under [the] Gun

Dec 19, 2004 14:08

One nation under the gun where forward thinking is shunned,
A morbid tradition of archaic value systems where violence, justified,
Is just another pride.
Under the surface lies a holy plastic empire with guarded golden fences,
Where misfortune shelters decisions
A pain wrought from blood flowing green: the myth of protection is a sick fascination
A culture of violence is what we are feeding
Fear is an heirloom and hate is contagious
A nation of sadists is what we are breeding 
It's everywhere that you see
But who decides If you watch or turn the other cheek? 
Only in your mind is it your given right to be armed to the teeth
It's a common disease
The only immunity is to disarm this holy plastic empire
Disease: a grand deception disguised as gods of redemption
Forcefed delusions of grandeur calling out for a willing sacrifice of a nameless enemy
Necessary losses fulfill the bloodlust fantasy 
This facade of retribution, this machine, is marching to the killing rhythm
Spilling blood in vein [sic]
Subdue the vengeful masses: so put your blinders on, replace your conscious with a flag
So you can forget that Money runs T-H-I- C-K-E-R than Blood.
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