Need to vent! Warning: It's long!

Jan 27, 2006 08:36

Today, I shall rant and complain because I was awaken at 6AM and remained up. Allow me to elaborate. I have a huge backyard. You could easily fit an apartment building there, yet the actual house I live in is about the size of a shack. Anyway, I was heading to bed after taking a strong new painkiller, Roxicet. There I was, falling asleep, and for the first time in months, I wasn't feeling any pain or anything. I was actually smiling, so happy was I to be drifting off to dreamland with no apparent problems to keep me up this time. After months of only being able to sleep after being exhausted from being awake from the pain, I knew I was going to have a good night sleep.
6AM rolls by, and somewhere in the backyard, straycats began meowing loudly at each other (this was also a common thing that kept me awake at night along with pain). There are only two rooms you can hear the cats fighting from if they are in the backyard. My room, and the bathroom. I rubbed my bloodshot eyes and knew I was going to have to be the one to scare them off if I was going to get any sleep again. Then I heard the toilet flush and I was thinking to myself 'Thank goodness! Someone else is awake and MUST have heard the cats fighting in the backyard and will take care of them. I can go back to sleep!' The next thing you know, I hear footsteps walking back down the hall and the door close. They went back to their room! Arrgh! It was going to have to be me again that stops them, like every other night. So I storm out to the backyard and there are the two cats, meowing loudly at each other and getting ready to fight, and there was this guy, about 5 feet away, loading up his truck with stuff and staring at the cats as if it was funny!
It's 6AM and the guy couldn't just shoo them away to make them stop. Instead, he just laughs and lets them wake up half the neighborhood. I grabbed two rocks and hurled them at the cats with such force, that I hurt my shoulder badly! I grumble as I try and go back to sleep, but it appears that I was too fumed to sleep. So I sit awake and watch TV, hoping that would help. All that ended up doing was renewing my faith that stupid people walk among us.
A woman was being interviewed after spending a month dressed up like a man (and she really did look like a guy) and she went on to say that men seem to have no feelings or cared much about being polite. Like when she went to a restaurant with two other guys they would call the waiter over and say '3 menus and 3 waters.' and wouldn't say 'please' or 'may we have 3 menus and 3 waters'. Men were impolite and didn't even seem to notice. WHAT?! Lady, it looks to me like you just hung around three pricks and judged an entire gender by their actions. Every single guy I ever had lunch or dinner with always asked politely for menus or drinks. Grrr! *changes channel*
Two people (a man and a woman) are being interviewed about a made for TV movie coming out about flight 94, the one hijacked plane that didn't reach it's destination on that horrible day everyone refers to as 9/11 now. The woman was the mother of one of the passengers onboard flight 94 and she said that the movie protrayed the actions and passion of the people on that plane exactly. HUH?! Did she astral project herself onboard and take notes and knew that everyones protrayal was spot-on?
The man was one of the people that made the movie and looked at the camera and said 'This is the movie the terrorist do not want all of america to see!' Did Osama call him up or something? "Yes, this is Osama! We watched a special screening of your made for TV movie and my terrorist friends do not want americans to watch this! You spread the word!" grumble *changes channel*
A woman is complaining about an Elmo book that helps teach children how to potty train. She opens the book and pushes one of the buttons that says a message in one of those goofy Elmo voices. The message: "Let me help you go." the woman looks appauld "He clearly says 'Let me help you die' How can they allow such messages to be heard by children? They should be sued." What the freakin' heck?!?! Lady! The message says 'Let me help you go!' A represenative said the same thing. The message is 'Let me help you go'. Here is a message for that lady that wants to sue: Next time you want your 15 seconds of fame on TV, try not to waste it looking stupid. *turns TV off*

Sorry, but if I don't vent here and there I may end up taking Elmo's offer to let him help me die!
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