
May 19, 2009 17:46

Life has been generally wonderful, in the "murphy's law isn't fucking with us lately" sense. There have been some tiny exceptions such as the feds denying me my latest firearm purchase. I say latest because I have bought a few before with no problems at all. Now all of a sudden, there is a skeleton in my closet?

The band is doing good. Darrell, the other guitarist is leaving at the end of the month to pursue other interests, but we have a replacement in Jeff who kicks some 6-string ass all his own. We have a good schedule going so far so if you're in the southern Wisconsin area, check us out.

On a small note, Kim shut down her main content on her long-owned/run website, There is a backstory involved in the explanation but I won't go into it here. It is her business. But from reading the forum that is left, I have to say that it really is a good thing to know who your real friends are. That and no matter how you slice it, people will whine about entitlement given the smallest sliver of recognition, if not outright steal all you have built over the years for their own.

Butt fuck em. One thing the majik nigger has right is this is time for change. One change I hope to see soon is the harvest of the stupid, fat, ignorant morons that inhabit this country... neigh - planet. It is coming faster every day. Most ignore it and think that by going to the local truckpulls, they are heading off oblivian. But no. The more of your sons and daughters you willfully send off to the mideast meatgrinder, the more room will be had by those of us that don't buy the schyster's call.

Solutrea, the only way.
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