Nov 18, 2005 11:32
Hey guys! OK! So yesterday was the Dobie foam party LOL So Amanda and Hunter and I decide to go and its like a frigid igloo temperature outside. So before the party, we walk 5000 miles to Ryans birthday party so I could give him my birthday card :-D And he does a keg stand. LOL Hillarious I can't imagine ever wanting to try to drink ANYTHING upside down... esp not alcohol. LOL It was really funny tho! And he liked my Rainbow Hippo birthday card LOL It was splendid Then we headed to the foam party. So the bus taking us there is like decked out with curtains and a stereo system and its like painted all craZ. LOL So we are on the bus and people are like grinding everywhere... it was pretty hillarious. LOL So then we get there and its like so cool! Theres like this foaming machine like pouring foam all over people dancing and music and a DJ LOL So you know me, first one to go run into the foamy soapy bubbles LOL So we're like having so much fun, and my hand starts to kind of hurt and I just kinda ignored it.
So Amanda and H and I are like jamming out and dancing and playing with the bubbles and I saw Brad there and it was like so fun! Amanda and I got touched a few times under that mysterious foam LOL Still not sure how that happened and never did find the culprits LOL So we dance dance dance revolution for a while (LOL not like the game... the game sux LOL we just danced x 3 minus the revolution... and the dance pad LOL) and then its getting late and the last bus is leaving so ManaKay and I take a quick picture, and you can like absolutely see our bras. LOL So we took another one sideways so there was like less pornography in the pic. LOL :-P SOOOOOOO then we go outside to wait for the bus and its freezing cold outside and Hunter is like about to pee on himself he's so cold. LOL Exciting bus ride, freezing... blah blah. You get the point? LOL So we get back to Dobie and ManaKAy goes back to Jester and Hunter couldn't get a ride back to his apartment so he jumps in my shower. Then he gets out and I get in and by this time its like 2 AM and we both have Biology at 9 (we're in the same class) LOL So we needa get to bed. So H poe's apartment is really far so he slept in my dorm room in the comforter on the floor LOL Poor guy LOL And right before I fall asleep like my legs and my hand start itching, so I turn the light on and I'm like covered in this hiddeous rash. LOL Apparently, I was unaware, before submerging myself in soapy foam for 2 hours, that I am allergic to freaking foam. LOL Like my entire legs and my hands, (I was wearing a long sleeved jacket) are like broken out in this weird bumpy rash. Goooo Figure LOL It was still a heck of a good time! LOL I just hope it goes away cause it itches :( LOL But man, the foam party was totally fun!
Anyway, so my allergic-to-foam self has class in like 10 minutes, which is why this entry was so short LOL OOOOO One more thing! I had a meeting with the College of Natural Sciences student advisor and I'm good to go for becoming a teacher!! Yaaaaay Its gonna be hard tho, I think. Which sux, but I mean you can't get any degree without work. :) Anyway, Calculus time! Maybe mathematics will make my rash go away? Hmmmm LOL Sounds like a plan to me :-D